Everyone should have realized by now that these carbon nanotubes were, and will continue to be, in these harmful and toxic substances:
Austrian Research Group Presents Its Findings of Undeclared Components in the COVID-19 Vaccines (2021)
THIS is NOT made of metal, as it said in the video 16:43, but THIS:
and these nanotubes can not only perforate the lungs(penetrate the alveoli, causing bleeding),
but every other organ and of course also veins and arteries - and can also reach the brain with the bloodstream!!!
and 5G and 6G etc. have to do specifically with this!!!
and also Germany, and therefore of course the EU, knew about it!1
Teslaphoresis of Carbon Nanotubes https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.6b02313
Pfizer (Do you think this could be Teslaphoresis?) (see desc)
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and the Pdf-file:
etc. etc. etc.
From the beginning, everything was designed to harm and kill - based on lies, manipulation and fraud!!!
And don't all be misled by people who say that none of this would exist, because the underhandedness consisted of delivering different batches - no one is safe or will be safe in the future - stand together, help each other and consistently say NO, sustainably and with all the means at your disposal!!!!
And just by the way: Don't let yourself be influenced by this gaslighting of a GoF or a so-called lableakof a fictitious and imaginary "virus" of any kind - viruses DON'T EXIST, because the real GoF has exclusively to do with the respective toxic-chemical poisonous substances/so-called vaccines and their included nanotechnology - no matter what written papers you give people to read - these criminals will never write down or speak the truth!!!!!!!
The following two screenshots, which I already made in 2018 show what the actual so-called GoF was and is!!
Knowledge is strength and power!!!❤️❤️❤️