Smart Cities & Biodigital Convergence: Disconnecting the Dots - Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz with all the other dehumanizing Subjects
All political parties since Clinton in 2000 have been funding the Biodigital Convergence. This progress report was written in 2017 goes into it.
Progress in Convergence: Basic Concepts and Applications
The Whitehouse. This was written by the Whitehouse in 2002. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance
“Support for this started with President Clinton and was signed by every U.S. President since then, including Trump. In 2003 George Bush Jr signed nanotechnology research and development into law: the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act.
On a federally funded level, this is where NNI began.”
-Pete Ramón
Trump’s involvement:
Trump funded the NNI all four years as president.
Office of Science and Technology Policy Documents and Reports
President Joe Biden funded the NNI the last four years as president.
“We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence;”
-President Joe Biden
Biden-Harris Administration Releases Strategic Plan To Ensure U.S. Nanotechnology Competitiveness
Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy -
Note: Absolutely NOTHING was and is "safe", because all the millions of dead including the killed children and all those who will never have the chance to live because they were and will be killed as fetuses - and billions of long-term victims testify THAT!!!
This Major crime will not end unless humanity itself puts an end to it - that should have become clear to everyone by now after such a long time!!!
NNI Supplement to the President Biden’s 2024 Budget document (March, 2024)
The US National Nanotechnology Initiative website shows every US President (Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden) since 2001 has funded the NNI every year.
NNI Supplement to the President's 2024 Budget
Mihail C. Roco, a key player, is at the head of NNI, the founding chair of the US National Science and Technology Council subcommittee on Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology (NSET), and is Senior Advisor for Science and Engineering, including Nanotechnology, at the National Science Foundation. He is also the editor in chief of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research. He has been writing government reports on the science with full funding since the Clinton administration.
A recent document he wrote on what's happening at NNI:
National Nanotechnology Initiative at 20 years: enabling new horizons
The FDA is a member agency of the aforementioned National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). The FDA allows engineered nanomaterials in our foods, but has NO LEGAL DEFINITION for nanotechnology! The FDA has a budget dedicated to nanotechnology and supports the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) while collaborating with other agencies.
An Overview of the Applications of Nanomaterials and Nanodevices in the Food Industry
According to researcher Brian Mitchell, who first brought attention to him, "Professor Ian Fuat Akyildiz is behind most of the Biodigital Convergence and one of THE most important names to pay attention to. He is the leading Telecommunications expert in the entire world. He is at the center of much of the digital prison technologies we are seeing such as loBNT and satellites [CubeSat nano-satellites], etc. He was born in Turkey and immigrated to the U.S. Akyildiz did a lot of work for NASA in the 1990’s. He had a vision that became a reality: to create a real-time, biological-digital interface, connecting all of us to the digital world. Research began in 2004 with the introduction of graphene nano antennas and materials- this is how the Internet of Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT) started. The term 'Internet of Bio Nano Things' (IoBNT) was coined by Akyildiz in 2008 one night at 3am. It was then brought to the world in 2020 and caught on like wildfire in 2021.”
-Brian Mitchell
Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz, member IEEE and ITU
Researcher James Scott MacKillop recently uncovered information on Akyildiz including who is funding him and an up to date list of his crimes against humanity.
Click here to see what James Scott MacKillop uncovered.
Prof. Josep Jornet is the star pupil of Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz and designed the "Plasmonic Antennas" technology for the bloodstream.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) are working with Ian Fuat Akyildiz on Graphene nanotech. Ian Akyildiz and Josef Jornet attended the roundtable consisting of “computer scientists and wireless communications experts from industry, academia, and government”.
Kristel Van Der Elst from Policy Horizons is a key player in the Biodigital Convergence. She is the Director General of Policy Horizons and former Head of Strategic Foresight in the World Economic Forum (WEF). She is also CEO of the Global Foresight Group in Geneva. GFG works on "Preparing legal and institutional arrangements for preventing or containing future pandemics through anticipation, assessment and the design of negotiating processes to achieve preferred outcomes".
Articles she’s written:
What is the Biodigital Convergence (Short video with Kristel and her Horizons crew.)
Dr. Francois Coallier, a key player in the Biodigital Convergence, is an SCC Governing Council Member and the international Chair of ISO/IEC, the subcommittee responsible for the standards for Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Twins. According to the SCC, the IEC appointed Dr. Francois Coallier as Covener of Biodigital Convergence. The international standards from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) based in Geneva, Switzerland, is responsible for the worldwide standardization of the Biodigital Convergence in over 170 countries. IEC-Internet of Things and Digital Twin applications in the health sector
and another link here:
IEC SEG 12 Webinar Bio-Digital Convergence Standardization
Franco Vitaliano, a key player in the Biodigital Convergence, talks about delivering bionanomaterials to our blood brain barriers for Resonance Imaging here:
New Clathrin-Based Nanoplatforms for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Franco Vitaliano is also the president of ExQor
ExQor seems to have a long history with the US Government.
In 2004, ExQor was the first company to fully embrace the National Science Foundation's (NSF's) principles regarding the Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Convergence.
Battelle is one of the core organizations working with the military industrial complex integrating biotech and neurotechnology (bioelectronics).
Battelle-Led Team Wins DARPA Award to Develop Injectable, Bi-Directional Brain Computer Interface
Battelle To Explore Artificial Intelligence, Neural Interfaces with DARPA Award
Battelle’s involvement with the Military Industrial Mind Control Program
Battelle’s work with cellular nanomedicine for a NON-INVASIVE, NON-SURGICAL, BRAIN MACHINE INTERFACE
-James Scott MacKillop
The Institute for Nanoscience is the laboratory that serves as the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s “nucleus of collaborative activity.”
U.S. Office of Naval Research, Nano-Engineered Materials
And we can see here what Israel means by so-called "smart cities":
and "bio-convergence":
And if anyone thinks THAT is a single action, they are mistaken - it is a creeping operation that will be introduced worldwide - and only then to undertake something.... will no longer work - through these poisonous broths and self-initiated wars people are reduced and the fewer people, the easier they can be controlled, enslaved and maltreated, e. g. through more poisonous broths, no fundamental rights and freedoms, dirty masks, imprisonment, etc., which the new treaty of a highly criminal organization = WHO (including UN, IMF, WEF and all the other accomplices) guarantees - and to indulge in the illusion that this is not happening would be fatal!!!
Nokia is a major patent holder and shareholder involved in Smart City infrastructure, Digital Twin technology, and Digital Immune System(we know - there is no special so-called "immune system", as people are exposed to millions of nanoparticles every day and the organism fights them every day = detoxification!!) technology.