We know that everything was an impertinent, dehumanising and highly criminal lie from the very beginning!!!! Because there was NEVER a "virus", but only 100% false so-called "PCR tests"!!!
All this was precisely planned and deliberately brought about and from the very beginning a mass murder programme brought about by blood money!!!
People do NOT get sick from fictitious "viruses" that exist exclusively "in vitro" and "in silico", but from many other factors!!!
And also in the UK, they knew from the start what these toxic substances would do to the population!!!
And then on June 10, 2021
And blood money was enough to construct cases for a disease that never existed:
https://www.protocolkills.com/post/diane-s-story etc. etc.
"PCR tests" are ALWAYS wrong!!! ), using designed, synthetic-chemically produced oligonucleotide primers to detect only dead cellular debris, if people were unlucky enough to excrete them and be "tested" at the same time, but also animals and plants excrete them and no matter how many so-called "alignments" are made with a computer softwar/tool, nobody can say where they really come from - in humans THESE can only be dead cell debris, which humans excrete between 50-70 million every day(cell division) to grow and stay healthy.
and with the so-called "microbes" a nucleotide sequence can NEVER be a whole so-called "genome" - THAT is also an impertinent lie!!
etc. etc.etc.