That everything was a lie and fraud from the beginning, we can see not only by the idiotic test of this German clown virologist "We aimed to develop an deploy ⁉️robust diagnostic methodology⁉️ for use in public health laboratory
settings ‼️without having virus material available‼️." AND "Here we present a ⁉️validated⁉️ diagnostic workflow for 2019 nCoV, in design relying in close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS Coronavirus, making use of ‼️synthetic nucleic acid‼️ technology" - also we can see it at the CDC
on page 40 or 41, depending on how your pdf file count is done in a section titled, ‼️“Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were
tested with characterized stocks of in vitro=Latin: in the glass (Definition of in vitro: outside the living body and in an artificial environment - on page 43 you can read !!in silico = in or on a computer!!) transcribed full length RNA…"‼️ - The key phrase there is: ‼️“Since no quantified virus
isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”‼️ - THE CDC HAS and HAD NEVER a so-called VIRUS. - A further tip-off is the use of the word “isolate.”(there is a huge difference between "isolate"(a mixture of everything) and "isolation"(absolutely free from additives and foreign substances)) - This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE. - Another way to put it: NO ONE HAS AN ISOLATED SPECIMEN OF THE SO-CALLED FICTITIOUS "COVID-19 VIRUS". - NO ONE HAS ISOLATED THE COVID-19 VIRUS. - THEREFORE, NO ONE HAS PROVED THAT IT EXISTS. - AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHY THERE ALSO HAVE NEVER BEEN ANY VARIANTS AND NO "SPIKE-PROTEIN"!!! AND TAKE A LOOK ON THE DATE: !!Effective: 07/21/2021!!
And now I ask YOU all, why in God's name do people inclusive the children, allow themselves to be injected with an unresearched, experimental and contaminated toxic substance???
There is NO so-called "mRNA", which produces a so-called "spike protein"(because these criminals NEVER had one) in these toxic substances
but exclusively toxins, which have absolutely nothing lost in the organism of a human being inclusive graphene
And so the SHEDDING comes from these toxic substances - protocol:
scroll down from page 67 to 69 - of course you should read through everything!!! This is not only with Pfizer, also with all other substances!!!
Everybody who can think even a little bit logically and has followed the last two years attentively, knows that people were and are injected ill, suffer long-term consequences, disabilities and that there are meanwhile an incalculable number of dead people - and whoever negates this, is also complicit and in my opinion a criminal/mass murderer - and there will NEVER be an excuse'm-Full-Of-Vengeance:1
for this, because criminals/mass murderers have NO right to freedom!!!!
People were killed from the beginning of this lie and fraud't-Cause-Of-Symptoms:1
with experimental drugs
and Fauci has to be held responsible for this without ifs and buts!!!!
They brought the people in a completely unnecessary fear
which makes sick, stigmatized them with an idiotic "test" and killed them with drugs and aggresive ventilation
and now they continue to murder with toxic substances - every single one of these criminals global should be locked away for the rest of their lives - there are no more excuses here!!!!
Here you can read very well what this so-called “C-19” really is, the dying of cells – here by poison!!
the death certificates have been changed
and the CDC already linked a job posting for a "Quarantine Program" on 11/15/2019....
and don't forget THAT - "AGENDA: ....Introduction, focus and ‼️desired outcomes‼️
Money & Murder in Hospital
and aggressive ventilation on the basis of an absolutely criminal test - AND - inhuman treatment in hospital by doctors and staff
Brilliant Maryann. I will share your research in my Substack if that's ok.
Excellent breakdown! Thank you 🙏🏼 This is much appreciated coming from a medical librarian/bioethicist ⭐️❤️ℹ️