Replicons like "virus particles"? NO!!! Nanobots?? YES!!!
I didn't really want to write anything more, because I think that 1. all the information has already been passed on, 2. people have already been put under too much strain and 3. we can only reach very few people here on Substack.... but if I come across something like this, then others should know too... because you can never have enough information....
There are NO “spike proteins” that multiply, because there are NO viruses, no mRNA, NO variants etc., but there is a new nanotechnology - nanobots that can multiply/replicate x times!!!
So hands off future toxic chemical substances including nanotechnology, of which there are of course dozens of different ones now - and NEVER AGAIN let them all lie, manipulate and deceive you!!!!
As early as the beginning of March 2019....
and in a year's time, some things may have evolved so that it could be tested with an experiment in 2021 that was carried out in a highly criminal manner without people's knowledge!
Researchers have developed nanobots that can be injected using an ordinary hypodermic syringe, according to a new release. The nanobots are microscopic functioning robots with the ability to walk and withstand harsh environments. Each robot has a 70-micron length, which is about the width of a thin human hair, and a million can be produced from a single 4-inch silicon composite wafer.
The new nanofabrication techniques were developed by Marc Miskin and colleagues at Cornell University. The research will be presented at the American Physical Society March Meeting next week. According to a release from EurekAlert, the team spent years developing a nanofabrication process that can produce a million nanobots from a specialized 4-inch silicon wafer in the span of weeks.
These micro-robots feature four legs composed from graphene or platinum and titanium; they're described by Miskin as "super strong," enabling the nanobots to carry a body weighing about 8,000 times more than each leg. As well, each leg measures only 100 atoms thick, and they can carry bodies 1,000 times thicker, according to the researchers.
The proof-of-concept achievement happened in late 2017, but the experts continue to work on their creation. Teams at both Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania, where Miskin recently became an assistant professor, are developing 'smart' versions of these nanobots. The upgraded versions will feature controllers, sensors, and clocks.
At this point in the development process, the nanobots are solar-powered, but that energy source limits how deep the robots could be injected into tissue. In the future, microscopic robots like the ones developed by Miskin and his colleagues may be used to deliver drugs directly to injuries or tumors, but the solar energy requirement would be a major limitation.
In its place, future nanobots may be powered using magnetic fields or ultrasound, making it possible for them to travel deeply into the human body. While talking about the technology, Miskin said, "When I was a kid, I remember looking in a microscope, and seeing all this crazy stuff going on. Now we're building stuff that's active at that size. We don't just have to watch this world. You can actually play in it."
Full Speech:
Do you remember Ray Kurzweil in 2014?
It may be beneficial to expand our awareness within the context of emerging bio-nanotechnology, so that we can make informed decisions with respect to what we put in (and on) our bodies — with a clear acknowledgment that nanobots have dual-use applications, and potential associated dangers,
including uncontrollable self-duplication, toxicity in the body, environmental pollution, and the partial transformation of humans into a hybrid form, not to mention the toxic-chemical substances - the different poisons, that damage and kill, because we already know THAT!.
Are nanorobots (also known as nanomedibots) truly here to rescue us, or is that a cover story for covert purposes?
Well, if we look at THIS and read through it, it's an absolute cover story for covert purposes!!!
and nobody should forget that this includes the whole of humanity!!!
And THAT has absolutely NOTHING to do with it "Democratization, Decentralization, Geographic diffusion, Scalability, Customization, Reliance on data" - the only purpose is total control without fundamental rights and freedoms, harming and killing - and the smartphone with 5G, 6G etc. makes it possible!!!
etc. etc. etc.
And where can we find Kristel Van der Elst? Of course also with the non-elected, criminal association of the WEF, whose diabolical brain twists can no longer be described with words!!!
I commented on this here at Karl C. (he is of course admirable for his work and perseverance!), but people don't really care, because facts are not particularly popular - and the background, the whys and wherefores not at all, it's the colorful pictures that count.....
Do you remember what “Covid-19” stands for?
C = Certification/Confirmation
o = of
V = Vaccination
ID= Identfication
19 = AI/Artificial Intelligence = A is the 1st letter in the alphabet and I is the 9th letter in the alphabet
And in the new criminal UN and WHO treaties, this digital ID together with digital money stands for an absolute tyranny of the future!!!! > What absolute nonsense, based entirely on lies, but of course good for the control mechanisms for the humanity...
and of course also THAT comes from the abnormal and unethical subjects of the WEF, after all, they all are represented there!!
Just another example of how MUCH they “love” us all and of course they ONLY want the best.... blah blah blah, as if anyone is interested in having “nanopropellers” in their eye, but hey.... weren't there massive vision problems and blindness as a side effect....
The Interagency Working Group on Nanotechnology (IWGN) was formed under the National Science and Technology Council to "investigate the state of the art in nanoscale science and technology and to forecast possible future developments" - absolutely NOTHING can be forecast, because experiments in the laboratory cannot be compared with experiments on living organisms!!!! The IWGN’s study and report, Nanotechnology Research Directions: Vision for the Next Decade (1999) defined the vision for and led directly to formation of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative in 2000.
And just by the way: since EVERYTHING is connected through the blood, one should assume that these “propellers” have also reached the eyes through these “special injections” and have caused damage, because for such an experiment someone will not so easily volunteer to act as a “guinea pig”....
There is not just one type of nanobot, but many different ones - if you are interested, you should do some research (be careful with additions with “DNA”, “RNA”, “bacteria” etc. - these are pure fantasy excesses). - This is added to suggest to people that everything is “normal” and “beneficial”, but all these nanobots/robotic are ALWAYS produced synthetically with toxic chemical substances and materials that absolutely do NOT belong in an organism (although I would like to emphasize that e. g. pacemakers, prostheses, aids of any kind, were and are an outstanding scientific achievement) - NONE of this is helpful or has anything to do with health, because hypotheses, assumptions and theories in laboratory experiments have NOTHING to do with reality! For decades, studies have been conducted again and again with all kinds of experiments, if all this would help, there should be no more diseases with further fatal consequences, but unfortunately the opposite is the case!!!
And anyone who claims to know which chemical processes or also not take place in a living organism is a liar per exellance, because absolutely nobody can know THAT - and absolutely EVERYTHING changes in an injured, dying or dead organism!!!!
First let's take a look at the shot of Daisy (Kathlyn) Hinesley
and then let's take a look at THIS - that was in 2016
….if there would be no coloring here..... well, I'll leave you all to think about it....
And of course this was followed up... here in 2019
here also, we find what is shown above
but hey.... if the paid lying media, their helpers and the majority of doctors don't want to admit it... well, then they won't write or talk about it....
Perhaps in the military sector, but certainly NOT in a living organism!!!
We can also read:
In the future, new weapons in war are nanorobots, and their use will be such that they enter the body of a certain person in a group and release him by releasing the poison or cutting sensitive parts of the body. These nano-robots can also be used to spy on war. They can go to the enemy base and reveal their military information.
…..and in the REAL organism/blood it would look e.g. something like this….
It would be beneficial to read THAT really thoroughly - and with common sense, so that they know what else is in store for humanity if they don't categorically say NO to all injections!!!!
And everything is always completely “harmless” and “biocompatible”, yah yah yah, blah blah blah....😡😡😡
It would have been far better and mankind would have been safer if these Subjects had kept their “visions” to themselves - I am not against advances in technology, but NOT at the expense of all mankind in the form of “lab rats”, uninformed, with coercion and with constant fear propaganda and partial violence in advance, just to satisfy the scurrilous, abnormal and diabolical ideas of unelected organizations!!!! THIS was and is highly criminal and a planned mass murder that is still going on!!!