I want to draw your attention to something that perhaps not everyone has heard or read about....
Already in 2012 and now everyone can imagine how much more this harmful and abnormal “field of research” has developed to this day - and as I have already written a few times, no one can say how many people have already been abused as guinea pigs in the past without their knowledge!!!
Our world is made up of various elements, as you’ll remember if you ever sat and stared at the periodic table in science class for many hours trying to understand the utilization of elements into compounds and their “3-D” structural composition. These elements are now used at 50 atoms units in the “nano world” to make the individual building blocks of nanotechnology. Nanotubes, nano-spacers, nano-rods, nano-wires and many other single components are even utilized to make the nano-radio, as used in nano medicine. We are a carbon friendly world which forms very strong covalent bonds; bonds in which atoms share electrons with each other, such as in the 3-D crystalline lattice of a diamond. Now, these elemental ingredients are in the laboratory’s cauldron of nano ingredients to make different forms of mesogens. Mesogens are liquid crystals that have not only a specific smart function, but are used as the platform in developing new thin film transmitting nano ultra thin film coatings for biological sensors that have been used in “Brain Chip” mesogenic bio-sensors. William E. Halal, Emerging Technologies and the Global Crisis of Maturity said,
“Although technological powers will be vast and progress will likely be made, the normal level of social resistance and political statement is likely to oppose change. Thus it may take an occasional environmental collapse, global wars and terrorist, or get unknown calamities to force the move to global consciousness.”
Even the NASA inventor and author, Ray Kurzweil in his book, The Singularity is Near, stated that by 2035, an implantable information chip could be developed and wired directly to the user’s brain. The reality is that it is happening now through the advancements of sciences, computers, semiconductors, engineering, medicine, chemistry, and many other disciplines of science and engineering.
Note: This book you can read here:
See also:
Please remember that General Dynamics conducted a study in 2004 for NASA and developed the first self replicating nanomachines. They were called “kinematic cellular automata, built from reconfigulable molecular modules capable of reproducing themselves” - they used a broadcast wireless feature which allowed external control. ( Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity is Near). The main investigator includes transhumanist technocrat Dr. Robert Freitas, “expert” in nanotechnology, Cryonics - nanotechnology fusion of humans with self assembly nanotechnology robotics:
Study finds self-replicating nanomachines feasible
NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts by General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems concludes that a useful self-replicating machine could be less complex than a Pentium IV chip, and uncovered no road blocks to extending macroscale systems to microscale and then to nanoscale self-replicating systems.
So if they were already researching this in 2003/2004, then everyone should and must assume that 16 - 20 years later this has already been perfected in order to transform or harm and kill humanity with an absolutely harmful, abnormal and criminal technology....!!!! But THIS all goes yet much further back into the past!!!
Note: The title of this book is a joke when you dig through it, with all its fanciful, fictitious theories, hypotheses and assumptions of “biology” that have NEVER been proven in any way - an absolute farce!!!
TEM images of synthesized silica nano-tube structures usually formed following the trapping of silicon nano-crystals:
PHOTOMICROGRAPH 4 - Brain Menginoma (“Brain Chip”), reactive nematic mesogen. Image taken by Applied Consumer Services, Inc., Hialeah Gardens, Florida ©2011:
Mesogens: Their Use in Building Nano-Biosensor Brain Chips
Mesogens are any compound that can exist as a mesophase and that part of the molecule of a liquid crystal that is responsible for its particular properties. In medicine, the term “mesogenic” pertains to, or is relating to, the capacity of a virus to lethally infect embryonic hosts after a short incubation period, but is incapable of infecting immature and adult hosts. In other words, the mesogen has a host-parasitic relationship in which the parasite dominates, but the host usually survives. 1, 2 This statement is right on target for how the mesogenic liquid crystal phase, and its other nano architectural designed smart functions, would interact with the biological system of the human brain or other target organs of designed choice. Mesogenic payloads of liquid crystals can be unreactive until triggered into activation for their ultimate purpose. This is the new nano medicine, new smart WIFI communication system, weapon, industrial espionage device, or component for mind or body control devices. In the nanotech world, there are no limits. It is the same with various types of mesogens.
To understand the technology of mesogens and their multiple smart functional uses for sensing, payload delivery systems, and other related aspects of their design, one must always remember that the mesogen is the tool or device – like the wheel on a car for the nano machine. The nano machine can be designed to become the robot, surgical scalpel, camera, the voice within your skull, or even the “false” collective consciousness when integrated into a computer system for collective mind control or a “global brain.”
Note: And for God's sake, forget the terms “viruses” etc., because THESE DON'T EXIST - again and again these fraudulent terms are used as a kind of justification, but the fact is that all these fragments, forms and structures are synthetically produced!!!!
And we know that “biology” is a field that feeds on fraudulent in vitro experiments and dozens of pieces of software in silico - everything is based on hypotheses, assumptions, theories that have absolutely NOTHING to do with reality, the living system of an organism!!!
c AFM images of PffBT4T-2DT ultrathin films from multilayers down to monolayer obtained at different dip-coating speeds (50, 100, 200, 400, and 1000 μm s−1) from 0.5 mg mL−1 chloroform solution. All AFM images have the same scale x, y, and z bars except the height scale of the tetralayer.
Functional liquid-crystalline polymers and supramolecular liquid crystals
We present a brief overview of the transport of quantum light across a one-dimensional waveguide which is integrated with a periodic string of quantum-scale dipoles. We demonstrate a scheme to implement transparency by suitably tuning the atomic frequencies without applying a coupling field and bring out the pronounced non-reciprocity of this optical device. The fiber-mediated interaction between integrated dipoles allows one to achieve both dispersive and dissipative couplings, level repulsion and attraction, and enhanced sensing capabilities. All these ideas can be translated to a wide variety of experimental setups of topical interest such as resonators on a transmission line, cold atoms near a fiber and quantum dots coupled to plasmonic excitations in a nanowire or photonic crystal waveguides.
This was on ABC IN 1979. I missed this presentation. Mind Control was tested and the victims not informed. They were just collateral damage in a 'WAR' footing mission. It was chilling on many levels. Nothing ever changes because the psychopaths always justify all their horrors as NECESSARY FOR "DEFENDING THE (STATED OBJECT) FROM THE (THREATS).
And here's something else, if anyone finds the time to look and read....
capping agents giving rise to liquid crystalline quasi-spherical nanoparticles. The three major approaches include the decoration: with calamitic molecules in an end-on fashion (7), with dendrons featuring calamitic or polycatenar moieties at the termini (8), and with laterally substituted calamitic molecules in a side-on fashion (9). The concept shown for the quasi-spherical nanoparticle 7 was also successfully used for spindle-like nanoparticles [533, 534]
Fig. 23 A graphical summary of liquid crystal nanoscience summarized in this review. This chart shows the link between nanoparticles (their size, shape, and coating) and liquid crystals, effects induced in liquid crystal phases, as well as nanoparticle mesomorphism (NP nanoparticle, LC liquid crystal, QD quantum dot)
DNA and everything connected with it is also just a computer-generated model which can be traced back to the Watson and crick model - and THAT is the same as giving children building blocks to play with!!!
THAT in turn goes back to this - and it’s important to know that he carried out this experiment with 62 hours of X-rays.... boooom
And THAT in turn goes back to the first isolation of a so-called nucleic acid, which of course is also absolute nonsense!!!
The “Method”: one again… booom
And in “biochemistry” the word “thymonucleate” means any salt of a so-called nucleic acid... well, where is this purified “nucleic acid”....?
There is software for everything that works with letters, makes futuristic calculations and generates images - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF THIS IS REAL - living systems will ALWAYS remain a puzzle, because if you damage them, everything simply changes!!!
All this has been going on for such an infinitely long time and is so immense that it would probably take years to show the populations what danger everyone was, is and will be exposed to in the future... that's why they all must and should stay away from completely useless, harmful to deadly so-called “vaccinations” - from the beginning it was NEVER about health!!! Since 2020 we have all seen and felt how a criminal lie can spread and bring enormous damage psychologically and physically - NO viruses, NO pathogenic bacteria, etc.... - ergo NO variants, NO mRNA or anything else - THAT all does NOT exist, has NEVER existed and will NEVER exist!!!!
Think for yourself and stay strong!❤️❤️❤️
I've now seen that at the end of this article it says “Image not found”, but I don't know why - so if anyone knows how to remove that, please let me know in the comments section, thanks!!

Did you find this Harris connection credible in your truth research?
I keep pondering how paternity tests work if DNA is a scam...