So-called "DNA"-folding nanorobots can manufacture limitless copies of themselves
But hey.... this supposedly doesn't exist at all... well, I think we'll all never know exactly what's going on in the "new, not necessarily benevolent research" for the mankind and for what the human being as an "study-object" will still be abused in the future, as there is not, has not been and will not be real transparency and openness about this.....
And just by the way.... I’ve these "would-like-to-play-God-subjects" enough now, thanks to this "fake pandemic" without a virus, but with "testing, testing, testing".... it all started with a deliberately planned impertinent and dehumanizing lie, why should anyone tell the truth in the future? No one should ever forget this and on the way to becoming a "cyberborg" these criminals will harm and kill a lot more uninformed and gullible people of all ages, since THAT was also in their "planning" from the beginning, of course always wrapped in nice phrases so that humanity continues to believe the deceitful lies.....
By Loz Blain, December 08, 2023
Tiny nano-robots have been developed that can grab tiny snippets of NON-existd “DNA”(nobody really knows from what these nanomachines are made of!!) and assemble them into new nano-machines – including copies of themselves
Researchers have demonstrated a programmable nano-scale robot, made from a few strands of so-called “DNA”(we know, that no one has ever isolated a “DNA” > also only letter groups on a software, not real!!!), that's capable of grabbing other snippets of not existed “DNA”, and positioning them together to manufacture new UV-welded nano-machines – including copies of itself.
The robots, according to New Scientist, are created using just four strands of not-existed “DNA”(they only ever create everything on the computer!!), and measure just 100 nanometers across, so about a thousand of them could squeeze up into a line the width of a human hair.
The team, from New York University, the Ningbo Cixi Institute of Biomechanical Engineering, and The Chinese Academy of Sciences, says the robots surpass previous efforts, which were only able to assemble pieces into two-dimensional shapes. The new bots are able to use "multiple-axis precise folding and positioning" to "access the third dimension and more degrees of freedom."
These nano-bots are often viewed as potential ways of manufacturing drugs, enzymes and other chemicals, potentially inside the cells of the body. But the researchers specifically call out the fact that these machines can "self-replicate its entire 3D structure and functions."
Three-dimensional self-replicating nano-robots built from just four strands of DNAFeng Zhou
They're not entirely self-contained; the robots, while "programmable," act in response to externally controlled temperature and UV light, and they require that UV light to "weld" the pieces of DNA they're assembling together.
One other thing standing between humanity and the great Gray Goo apocalypse at this point is the fact that they can't make copies of themselves – or indeed, anything else – without adequate supplies of the precise snippets of DNA they need.
Still, it's pretty incredible stuff, and a glimpse into the possibilities that are rushing toward us at breakneck pace. Is this what living through the Singularity feels like?
Source: Science Robotics
The Study:
From the bottom of my heart, best wishes to you all!!!❤️❤️❤️