There are always people who just can't believe that the goal of these toxic and contaminated substances is to KILL people - they then say, "Surely the globalists won't kill those who guarantee their future with profits." Well, the fact is that these so-called crazy globalists will make use of robots in the future and therefore no working people/useless eaters will be needed anymore - THAT has been aimed at for several years and should actually not be a surprise to anyone.... the answer is that some of the people will be replaced by robots...
A new study measures the actual impact of robots on jobs. It’s significant.
or here:
Well.... isn't it all just wonderful... when people are no longer needed? I say NO!!
Video: Most Advance AI Robots
From handling the carton boxes at warehouses, robotics is performing the unbelievable actions making certain tasks easier. Right here we will discuss the application of AI robotics in various fields with types of training data used to train such AI models.
Robotics in Healthcare
Robotics in healthcare are now playing a big role in providing an automated solution to medicine and other divisions in the industry.
AI companies are now using big data and other useful data from the healthcare industry to train robots for different purposes.
and that the elimination of a large part of mankind has always been the goal, we see here:
let's take a look in the book of Jacques Attali: page 274 down to 275 up:
“L'euthanasie sera un des instruments essentiels de nos sociétés futures dans tous les cas de figures. Dans une logique socialiste, pour commencer, le problème se pose comme suit: la logique socialiste c'est la liberté et la liberté fondamentale, c'est le suicide; en conséquence, le druit au suicide direct ou indirect est done une valeur absolue dans ce type de société. Dans une société capitaliste, des machines à tuer, des prothèses qui permettront de éliminer la vie lorsqu'elle sera trop insupportable, ou économiquement trop coûteuse, verront le jour et seront de pratique courante. Je pense done que l'euthanasie, qu'elle soit une valeur de liberté ou une marchandise, sera une des règles de la société future."
and then we look here:
And if you are honest with yourself, you have to admit that this is exactly what is happening now!
At least 4 Billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consits of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authorithy without question. From tine to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.
Note from me: These so-called organized epedemics are now triggered by these toxic and contaminated substances, since countless different cells die off in humans and thus with an idotic PCR test any fictitious disease can be proclaimed as an "epedemic" or "P(l)andemic"!
And if someone thinks that all other substances do not cause harm, then he is mistaken, because they all have the same effect!!!
A Decade Ago, Dr. Bill Deagle Knew What Was Planned For “Vaccines” & The People
Dr. Bill Deagle spoke out in 2012 about what the plans for “vaccines” were and how they would be used on the people of the world. Sadly, not only was his message censored, but many who heard it failed to listen and take heed.
However, his explanation has been preserved.
Dr. Deagle talks about the design to alter human DNA with graphene oxide, utilize Artificial Intelligence technology and inject humans with cancer cells(although we know that these so-called "cancer cells" do not exist, as cancer is also triggered by various toxic-chemical poisonous substances and nanoparticles (also and above all by so-called "vaccinations", in which pollutants can be deposited on organs every time))!
His internet disclosures of years past revolved around his experience within some of our world’s most highly secret networks, involving employment in the US black budget sector on bio-chemistry projects, including DUMBS and SSP liaison assignments.
“So, a very powerful leg of the New World disorder…is your doctor,” said Deagle. “Because, most of the really bad things they want to do to you – including implanting chips, ‘vaccines’ that are psychotronic that will rewire your brain, ‘vaccines’ that will insert DNA to alter your genetics, ‘vaccines’ that will cause cancer, ‘vaccines’ that will program so that you will be sensitized to EMF technology to transfer thoughts and…control your very physiology using scalar technologies – all of these have been developed, and your doctor will administer them.”
“Just like the Big Pharma drugs that are being administered, that are slowly killing our elderly population and turning them into demented fools,” he added. “If you think politics is corrupt, medicine is 1000x more corrupt, because the victims are either dead, dying or wish they were.”
Well, anyone who thought that couldn't be true should now be proven wrong.... but somehow it is already too late for the so-called "vaccinated"....
That this war(Ukraine) was wanted, planned and brought about with intention, one can read here very well
….well, the war in the totality considered, which will really end in a catastrophe, is the war against mankind itself, because always still the lethargy of the people is absolutely great!!!
and the WHO, an absolutely corrupt construct is the way there!
Read the article of Proton Magic!!!!