Self-assembled magnetic nanosystems for cybernetic biocircuitry interface in humans
The average person living today has little idea how far the development of self-assembling nanotech biocircuits has progressed. So-called “fact-checkers” (professional propagandists and liars) deliberately mislead people into thinking there’s no such thing as a self-assembling graphene-based biocircuitry system that could feasibly be injected into people and called a “vaccine.” But the published scientific literature lays out a comprehensive, well-documented body of research that shows this technology is quite real… and has been tested in biological systems for at least two decades.
A “self-assembling” system means that a person is injected with instructions that set into motion a process where a structure is assembled inside the body, using resources available in the blood (such as iron and oxygen atoms). In effect, nanotech self-assembly means that a microchip doesn’t need to be “injected” into someone, since the circuitry can be assembled in vivo after injection.
Every biological creature on Earth is a living example of self-assembly, by the way, since so-called “DNA”(no one has ever isolated any “DNA”, “RNA”, “viruses”, “bacteria”, etc. or anything else - everything is based solely on fraudulent experiments and a multitude of software!!!) is a self-assembled nanostructure. “Genetic” replication(NOOOOO!!!) is, of course, a process rooted in self-assembly. So anyone who doesn’t realize self-assembly is a real phenomenon is rather ignorant, even about the mechanisms at work in their own body.
“A myriad of magnetic nanosystems can be created by using self-assembly as a synthetic tool,” says the abstract of a study published in January of this year. Published in the journal Aggregate Open Access, it’s entitled: Self-assembled magnetic nanomaterials: Versatile theranostics nanoplatforms for cancer. The paper focuses on, “Self-assembled magnetic nanomaterials (MNMs)” and details their use in biomedicine, writing:
Magnetic fields have been widely used for nanomaterials assembled from one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), and three-dimensional (3D) aggregates.
The study makes reference to the self-assembly of iron oxide nanoparticles, which can exhibit magnetic properties in certain configurations. These are known as SPIONs (Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles).
The paper explains:
This approach could be used for the assembling process of other MNPs. Such self-assembly strategy might play an important role in the construction of DDSs (Drug Delivery Systems).
Additionally, the paper makes reference to self-assembled cubic nanoparticles (functional 3D nano structures) in solution:
Wang et al. reported growth of Fe3O4 (iron oxide) nanowires induced by the magnetic field. Subsequently, Taheri et al. reported the discovery of an interesting magnetic field–induced self-assembled phenomenon of cubic nanoparticles (NPs) in solution. In addition, the magnetic field also shows their great ability in NPs’ assembly. Magnetic field–induced self-assembly simplifies the operation steps, but requires accurate magnetic field control equipment to achieve, which increases the dependence on the equipment.
What’s clear from this analysis is that external magnetic fields can direct the self-assembly of nanostructures which can function as cybernetic biocircuity interface systems in the human body.
The self-assembly of iron oxide nanowires
Another study published in 2004
in the journal Advanced Materials shows some of the early research in self-assembly of iron oxide nanowires using external magnetic fields. Single-crystalline nanowires of Fe3O4 hydrothermally synthesized under a magnetic field are reported. The square and hexagonal crystals formed in zero applied field are shown to give way to nanowires as the magnetic field is increased.
And that was 17 years ago.
What researchers have discovered since then is that the required energy to initiate self-assembly is surprisingly small. From the first paper, above:
The interaction between the induced magnetic dipole and the external field was very weak, which was on the order of van der Waals force.* The past decades have witnessed the progress of the self-assembly of MNMs under magnetic fields.
What this means, essentially, is that relatively weak broadcast energies can induce the growth of nanowires inside the human body, given the right substances being injected into the body to start with. The van der Waals force describes a very weak intermolecular bonding phenomenon that’s well known in mainstream science.
Here’s an electronic microscopy image of some of the nanoparticle lattices created through external magnetic fields:
Magnetically controllable DNA hydrogels
The same study also mentions “DNA hydrogels,” explaining that they are “magnetically controllable.” From the study: (emphasis added)
DNA is considered as a core genetic biological molecule in living systems. Although DNA molecules are composed of simple units, different deoxynucleotide chains and flexible conformations can be achieved through precise design and organization, which can be programmed. In other words, this is the nature of DNA self-assembly. For example, Ma et al. introduced DNA-modified MNPs, Y-scaffolds, and DNA linkers into the framework of DNA hydrogels to construct magnetic controllable DNA hydrogels.
If you’re wondering what “DNA hydrogels” are all about, another paper published in 2019 reveals some clues: DNA hydrogel-empowered biosensing. This paper explains how “smart hydrogels” self-modify in response to the organism:
DNA hydrogels as special members in the DNA nanotechnology have provided crucial prerequisites to create innovative gels owing to their sufficient stability, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and tunable multifunctionality. These properties have tailored DNA hydrogels for various applications in drug delivery, tissue engineering, sensors, and cancer therapy.
Recently, DNA-based materials have attracted substantial consideration for the exploration of smart hydrogels, in which their properties can change in response to chemical or physical stimuli. In other words, these gels can undergo switchable gel-to-sol or sol-to-gel transitions upon application of different triggers. Moreover, various functional motifs can be inserted into the polymer network to offer a molecular recognition capability to the complex. In this manuscript, a comprehensive discussion will be endowed with the recognition capability of different kinds of DNA hydrogels and the alternation in physicochemical behaviors upon target introducing.
Once these nanostructures are assembled inside the body, they are controlled through external magnetic fields or electromagnetic broadcasts, requiring very little power. What this research demonstrates is that:
Self-assembling nanotechnology is real.
Biocircuitry interface nanotech is real.
The nanowires and nanocircuits can be controlled by external electromagnetic fields.
This tech has been studied and developed for at least two decades and is backed by a large body of published research.
It is therefore feasible for today’s “vaccines” to contain self-assembling nanotechnology that interfaces with human biology and is controlled by external broadcasts. This doesn’t prove that such a scenario is happening for certain, but it shows that the tech exists and is feasible.
Consider this text from a study published nearly a decade ago, in December of 2012:
Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle-Based Delivery Systems for Biotherapeutics
This review covers recently-developed magnetically-driven delivery systems, their unique characteristics, and their applicability for delivery of biotherapeutics. Magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in organic solvent and aqueous solutions can be loaded within liposomes, micelles, hydrogels, and micro/nanospheres during formulation.
First, we examine recent formulation strategies for modification of SPIONs including particle clustering and encapsulation within hydrogels, liposomes, micelles, and micro-/nano-spheres. Second, we discuss the considerations to be taken into account in design of SPION-based carriers for the delivery of specific biotherapeutics including cells, proteins/peptides, genes, and viruses. Further, we examine several commercial magnetic nanoparticles for delivery of biotherapeutics. Finally, we provide perspectives in the future directions of magnetically triggered, SPION-based carriers for biotherapeutics, and their potential clinical applications.
That was nearly a decade ago. Imagine what has been developed and deployed in the years since.
*Van der Waals forces are weak intermolecular forces that are dependent on the distance between atoms or molecules. These forces arise from the interactions between uncharged atoms/molecules.
Encapsulation of active molecules in pharmaceutical sector: the role of ceramic nanocarriers
Joana C. Matos, ... M. Clara Gonçalves, in Encapsulation of Active Molecules and their Delivery System, 2020
4.4.6 Biocompatibility and toxicity of ceramic nanoparticles
The nanosystems toxicity is one of the biggest issues concerning the use of NPs in pharmacy and medicine. The NPs high surface energy and high surface reactivity, along with the similarity in size with cellular organelles, may have hazardous effects on cells or tissues [56,57]. Some research works have shown that most of tested NPs have caused oxidative stress and inflammation by the reticuloendothelial system. The toxicity promoted by ceramic NPs is different from tissues to cells, and the effects on inflammatory and immunological systems may include oxidative stress or cytotoxic activity in the lungs, liver, heart, and brain among others problems [58,59]. Size, chemical composition/structure, surface chemistry, free radical formation, and dosage are factors that can determine NPs toxicity.
Size of NPs is a very important parameter since it has been observed that the smaller the size of the nanocarriers, the greater their surface area and therefore the greater number of available interactions with the NPs and consequently their toxic effects [60]. Particles smaller than 500 nm can enter in the circulatory system, NPs in range of 100–300 nm are absorbed by intestinal cells, while NPs around 100 nm are essentially absorbed in the lymphatic tissue (Fig. 4–14).
Figure 4–14. NPs in human body. NPs, Nanoparticles.
Another important feature to estimate the potential toxicity of NPs is their hydrophobicity versus hydrophilicity character. The degree of molecular absorption interferes in the capacity to penetrate the cell membranes and contribute to NPs’ toxicity. NPs-containing hydrophobic polymers are much more absorbed by cells than the ones containing hydrophilic polymers [61].
Other important characteristic is the existence of reactive species on the NPs surface, which may increase cellular toxicity. One example is the toxicity induced by crystalline silica NPs due to their interactions with reactive oxidative species that can cause lung cancer.
Surface chemical composition is other characteristic that can influence the toxicity caused by the nanocarriers. Modifying their surface chemical composition, the surface structure changes which can also change the nanocarriers properties. One example of this is what happens with SPIONs. It was observed that varying their coating, their toxicity/cytotoxicity also varies. This implies that the surface modification plays a direct role in the nanocarriers toxicity [62]. Also, free radicals of particle surface can cause oxidative stress in cells that gives rise to inflammation, genotoxicity, and cell destruction. The NPs dose in a specific site can also influence their toxicity in human body. It was seen that higher concentrations of NPs (smaller or bigger) could be harmful to health [63]. The interactions between the nanomaterials and the biological systems are very complexes and have a great dependence of the physicochemical properties, such as size, charge, composition, and surface properties, of the former. Slight variations on those characteristics can lead to radically active interactions with living systems, which can affect the biocompatibility, stability, biological performance, and side effects of the nanomaterial [64].
The nanoplatforms size could affect the systemic and lymphatic distribution, tumor penetration, and cellular internalization of the agent of interest and thus affect the nanoplatform performance. Reports have shown that the interendothelial junctions of healthy tissues are smaller than 8 nm, whereas in tumoral tissues, the size range is much higher, from 40 to 80 nm. The size difference between healthy and tumoral tissues should be considered and used since the drug carriers are preferentially uptake via the enhanced permeability and retention effect [20].
Ceramic NPs can easily enter in cells due to their nanosize; however, it is also their size, morphology, and composition that influence the cellular uptake, subcellular localization, and the capacity to catalyze oxidative products. The cellular uptake is essentially made by passive uptake or adhesive interaction, probably due to van der Waals forces, electrostatic charges, steric interactions, or interfacial tension effects that do not origin vesicles [65,66]. This free movement of NPs within the cell gives them direct access to cytoplasm components such as proteins and other organelles, which makes them very dangerous. These can be found in diverse locations inside the cells, such as the outer-cell membrane cytoplasm, mitochondria, lipid vesicles along the nuclear membrane or within the nucleus, and depending on their localization, they can damage DNA or organelles or even cause cell death [67].
Nowadays, the NPs are developed with increasing regard for their biocompatibility due to an improved understanding of the biological impacts. However, considering the mentioned earlier is crucial a deep understanding of the potential risks associated with the exposure to NPs and the effect of several surface coatings used for functionalization. At the present the biocompatibility is measured considering mainly the extent of cytotoxicity observed, thus it is urgent to clearly define criteria to assess the toxicity of NPs more accurately.
We can read here:
Nano-bio-computing lipid nanotablet
by Thamarasee Jeewandara , - MARCH 5, 2019
Single-nanoparticle logic computation on LNTs. (A) Schematics of the LNT platform. Two types of DNA-modified nanoparticles, immobile receptor (R) and mobile floater (F), are tethered to an SLB and monitored by DFM. (B) R–F pairs as nanoparticle Boolean logic gates. Each logic gate takes DNA as inputs and yields either an assembly or a disassembly between the two particles as an output. Bidirectional arrows denote R–F interactions. Surface DNA ligands are not depicted. (C) Single-nanoparticle YES gates. Functional domains are represented by color and subscripted numbers with arrowheads indicating their 3′ ends. Asterisks denote complementarity. Glowing circles behind R–F dimers illustrate plasmonic coupling. (D) Image analysis. A single-particle tracking algorithm first identifies receptor signals from a raw image sequence. Afterward, the detected signals are sampled and used to generate a new dark-field movie that visualizes only receptor signals. (E) Kinetics analysis. Receptor-only snapshots (top) and a kinetics plot (bottom) of the Assembly YES gate are provided for each input condition. A kinetics plot is obtained by cumulatively counting the number of state-switching receptors over time. Credit: Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau2124
I've written before that no one can really know what he/she/it actually has in the organism and for which target options of any "studies" each individual was used - they are substances and structures that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to look in an organism - THAT is a fact!!!! And to abuse people as guinea pigs on the basis of a lie in order to deliberately harm and kill them without telling them the truth, so that those who still want to do then, so can actually participate "voluntarily" (there would probably have been no one, except perhaps some who would have participated for a correspondingly high salary...), but are fully aware of the risk, is an outrageous crime to say the least, as global humanity is apparently now only seen as negligible "animals - annoying insects" - worth less than the lab mice, because at least they are killed quickly after abuse - simply disgusting, diabolical, unethically inhumane and highly criminal!!!!
About a year or so ago I once read a sentence that describes ALL of this in a few words: "The term "mRNA" was used illegally to legally poison humanity!" THAT hits it just right!!
I am well aware that science should and must evolve, but NOT to the physical and psychological detriment of humanity - it must be kept to a minimum of detrimental effects and should in NO WAY be based on lies and fraud at an unmanageable, rapid pace - THAT is absolutely criminal in my opinion!!!
As always, I wish you all strength, power, perseverance, cohesion and a togetherness that even the worst enemy cannot break through!!!
All my love from the bottom of my heart to you all!!!❤️❤️❤️