Its been too long since I first heard that Blind Joe song. Thank you for spotlighting it. Did my heart good to hear it. Speaking of heart... I can't begin to describe what the last four plus years has done to my 7.5 decades old heart. Beginning in March 2020 I sounded the alarm bells of verbal warnings to all my loved ones. I tried to tell them what was/is really going on and I pleaded with them to not fall prey to the lies, the fear mongering and death chants. I begged them all, my sons and daughters and closest friends, old and new, not to take the jabs. All but one of the dozens, ignored my pleas, heckled, chastised, and berated me as they got on that death vaxx train with their children, my grandchildren, in tow. They cared not that their 96 y.o. grandmother was imprisoned in the nursing home by the 'Mandates' and could no longer receive my visits and hugs and stories, and I Love You's. They cared not that the death jabs were given to another of my loved ones who had Alzheimer's. They were blinded, and still are, by the fear of death and the fear of truth. They lost hold of self respect and self esteem, and it seems they may be shackled forever to ride the death rails of compliance. My heart breaks for my loved ones and all those billions who caved, who acquiesced to the psyop of all psyops. A War the likes of which humankind has ever known. Some will make it through. Not me, I'm just an old warrior with not much time left. Those who make it out to the other side of this hell on earth, this War of all Wars, will wish they could, but will never forget. I pray every day and the Creator gives me some peace, some assurance when I am overcome with grief and aloneness. The time, the day will come to stand my ground again. I will not go quietly. I have not, and will never comply.

I'm not sure why I felt led to respond on this day, with my rant, my quiet rage, on your 'stack', Mary-Ann. Thank you again for the song, for your writing.

May God Bless you in all ways and always.

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Thank you for your words, I can understand you well and pray for you and your loved ones!!!

I think you are an especially valuable person and God's blessing and protection will keep you for a long time!!!❤️🙏

Me and my family have always loved Blind Joe and we are so grateful for his songs and this song in particular we all listen to almost every day so it has become a real “catchy”!

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You are not wrong in describing Tedros like that. He was the Minister of Health in Ethiopia. He carried out a massacre in his country, denounced for his serious human rights violations and for a severe humanitarian crisis. And he is chosen to preside over the WHO. Are we in a world ruled by the beast or not?

I love that final video, I also shared it at the time.

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If you read through this, then you also know why this criminal subject was "appointed" and the logical conclusion: the people behind it, who have been planning this for a long time, needed him because he was ice-cold, inhumane and already a murderer....


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Yes, perfect candidate to be in the WHO. With the law that all countries will approve, the WHO can do whatever it wants, declare another pandemic whenever it wants, mandatory vaccinations, etc.

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