I'll share Karl C's insightful article here and try to give you all a little background!
Up front, everyone should and must be aware that people with various abnormal “study goals” have been massively abused by out of the norm scientists and the diabolical and soulless parasites of the NWO!!! Perhaps there will also be a lot of people who have none of this in their organism > different batches!!
Now let's take a look at 2 screenshots of Karl's short videos:
Look at all the videos in Karl's article, and then watch this article:
Now let's take a look at the next screenshot:
It could well be about THIS - Nanowires are not rigid, they can deform in the body!:
Now let's take a look at one last screenshot:
This could be this
from the first article I shared above - or eventually also this one:
or eventually this one
from this article:
There are countless possibilities and no one will tell humanity the truth, because this has NEVER been done!!!
What we know for sure is the fact that nanotechnology is present in these toxic-chemical substances, as 2021 Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz himself confirms this
or here, if YouTube blocks again
Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz - ca from minute 13:30 - "Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Injected Bio-Nano Machines" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks = Intra-Body-Nano-Network - Internet of bodies - Cyborgs - the phrase “mRNA” was illegally introduced HERE to legally abuse humanity!!!! And to claim that this would not harm the organism is of course a lie, because nobody will openly admit this - which is logical, because otherwise they would publicly accuse themselves of harming human life!!! Everyone should always think for themselves with common sense!!!
- and once again: everything that these so-called “scientists” do “in vivo” and with the help of computer software “in silico” has firstly absolutely nothing to do with reality and secondly NOBODY can say how it affects the living organism!!!! In any case, it is a highly criminal, dehumanizing crime, ranging from harm of all kinds to death, and based on equally criminal and massive lies, manipulation and fraud, humanity has been abused in this regard - planned and deliberately brought about!!! I have shared some articles on this at Dr. Nixon's article!
And it should be clear to everyone that the initial false narrative of a so-called “gene therapy” was an absolute hoax, because this crime has NOTHING to do with it - and no one would need “gene therapy”, for what purpose, too??!!! A so-called “gene therapy” could perhaps be the last option for seriously ill cancer patients, but only if they agree to it by being fully informed before!!!
And WHAT is being done here with Dr. Nixon is another crime, because we hopefully know by now from whom misinformation and disinformation come - certainly NOT from people of integrity, such as Dr. Nixon and Karl C, who only want to help humanity and who are not doing very well themselves in terms of health!!!
And there is something else that everyone should and must be aware of: since these immense damages and deaths are already known to a very large number of people worldwide, all those who were and still always are involved in this crime are now of course trying to hide it by attacking and denouncing people of integrity even more!!!
People have it in their own hands to end this - waiting for someone to do something serious is a fallacy, otherwise it would have happened long ago - ALL are involved in this crime against humanity, with a few exceptions!!!
As always, I close with heartfelt greetings and thoughts to you all!!!❤️ ❤️ ❤️