A supplement to this article:
Well, who thinks Schwab is a "philanthropist" is in my opinion very wrong - also his so called "advisor" Yuval Noah Harari is NO philanthropist - also the members of the Club of Rome are NO philanthropists - they all have planned the decimation of the global population for a long time `= genocide/eugenics and to give the whole thing the tip, one should listen to Barbara Marx Hubbard once - this person was a in my opinion spawn of hell!!!!
The wet "god dreams" of this deviant, inhuman black soul, which instead of listening, should be kicked in his butt, as well as all the others, who listen to this madman and allow themselves to be corrupted!!! !!THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION!!
WEF Klaus Schwab 2016 Planned brain Chips by 2026
Yuval Noah Harari "Hackable Animals"
!!THE LIMITS TO GROWTH!! All this unscientific, unethical, inhumane and criminal bullshit is always about model visions, which have absolutely nothing to do with reality!!!
Freudian slip? “The babies we eat…” Barbara Marx Hubbard (May 7th 2015)
The late Barbara Hubbard, a Rockefeller-funded New Age guru, was critical to the development of the ideas, beliefs and technology necessary to market transhumanism as spiritual enlightenment.
It needs NO decimation of mankind by toxins, because there would be enough space!!!The world is far less populated than you think.
And by the way, these criminals/mass murderers knew exactly what they were doing to humanity!!!
And then on June 10, 2021
And all this on the basis of lies, manipulation and fraud - and the majority of mankind still runs after the liars who fantasize about a fictitious, non-existent "virus" and a fictitious and NON-existent "spike-protein"
and categorically deny the facts of these deadly poison injections!!!!