Lady Anne, you nailed it so accurately l almost cryed (l didn't). Thanks to try to waken the still asleep as to myself l already know where is the hill l shall defend. God bless.

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I think, we are on the same line there - God bless you, your family and everyone here!!! Thank you!!!

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Thank you for utilizing courage exposing this dark agenda for what it is.

May we all find wisdom and strength as immortal human beings to overcome .

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Thank you so much for your continued diligence and hard work exposing the evildoers as Jesus asked us to to. "Who will speak up for Me against the evildoers?" Here am I, Lord...send me. Another scripture I love is: Do your work heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men. And whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might (as unto the Lord) PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN MAN. We know how nefarious this is when our own families, friends and brethren turn on us when trying to open their eyes. But this is part of the "falling away" and separation of the wheat and tares. And we will not stop trying to tell the truth, no matter what they do to us. And there's no greater truth than Jesus, His Words of life, and knowing that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Have patience, because their time is short, and it won't be long before we are with our Lord and Savior. One last favorite "proverb" if you may...WE CAN GET THROUGH ANYTHING IF JESUS CHRIST IS OUR EVERYTHING! Never give up, because there's not much farther to go. Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY cometh in the morning. That morning is not far away. OUR GOD REIGNS! Not theirs. Prayers for blessings!

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I’m devastated and heartbroken 💔

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I wish you courage, confidence, self-confidence and strength with all my heart - no one should give up too quickly!! God bless you and your loved ones!!!❤️

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