A massive global AI infrastructure program meant to allow multinational corporations and banks to run the entire world in secret using embargoed parks of supercomputers that are being funded by Japan, the UAE, the US, and other invisible players. If you thought bureaucrats were unaccountable, wait to you try to meet with the computer banks telling you, via AI, what is true.
When I saw Larry Ellison, Netanyahu’s right-hand man with Gaza blood up to his elbows, the very man who, along with Peter Thiel, has led the battle to take over the entire military and intelligence system through the control of data clouds and command control systems, up there at the White House with Elon Musk’s buddy at OpenAI Sam Altman, and Softbank’s CEO Son Masayoshi, I could feel that the destroyer has been selected and the destroyer is AI this time.
But Larry Ellison, the man who merged US and Israeli intelligence into a single monster and is trying to take over the world, went even further. Egged on by Trump, he told us that we will all be subject to a blood test in the future to determine if we have cancer and that if the AI test of your blood finds any cancer fragments (so-called sequences that are found exclusively on software and do not exist in reality - we know that this is absolute nonsense and we also know that this is about something far worse for humanity!) that we will be given customized (by AI) so-called "cancer vaccines", which are absolute NONSENS and which will naturally contain further toxins, nanoparticles and nanotechnology, because there was and is NO “mRNA”!!!!! Ellison did not say it would be manitory, but it sounded like it will be.
Ellison also stated that Oracle has already begun construction for 10 data centers in Texas (each half-million square feet) for Stargate and the total will be 20 and they will control massive amounts of data, starting will all medical records for everyone in the world.
It is the reign of terror of the last 5 years dressed up in new garb.
And Trump was just smiling and smiling, asking Ellison to tell us the exciting details.
How anyone thought that a con artist and trickster in the hands of Israeli IT intel operatives like Ellison and Thiel would save us from so-called "vaccines" and the medical industrial intelligence complex, I do not know. How anyone thought that Trump, whose Mar a Lago was Mossad’s southern base in the US, would be looking out for national interests, is a mystery.
But I would be dishonest if I did not admit what I feel.
I feel that those true tellers who overlooked what are cardboards, clowns, messiahs the WEF-puppets Biden and Trump were, are, and will be, and who told us that his first acts were a great liberation for America such as this bogus cease fire that still has not happened (and looks like a transition from straight murder and rape to deportation and real estate development) and the made-for-TV withdrawl from the WHO (which may, or may not ever happen and which has no meaning anyway, because the criminal UN treaty will have far more devastating consequences), they were in on the game. That they were getting paid back on the side.
I have watched this show for many years and there was never any doubt in my mind as to what was going on behind the “Don and Elon” show. I refuse to believe that all our professional truth tellers did not know what the “golden age” of our so-called "savior" Trump was really about. My dear friends, the people have been royally trumped - that's the point!
NOTE: And that everything is packed over and over again in beautiful phrases(should have become clear to everyone by now) to continue to manipulate, lie, cheat and massively harm people to the point of digital prison > acceleration of total AI surveillance, so-called harmful to further deadly “vaccines” and digital dystopia > centralized crypto, digital IDs, free decisions in smart cities will no longer exist, constant irradiation by 5 G, 6 G etc..., if people are not “obedient” (remember the demos-truckers-Canada), the digital money will be out of reach faster than anyone can even imagine now - why do you all think 5G was introduced and will be further expanded, because there will be millions of people's data available for any of the tyrants to see, worldwide - and the excuse “I have nothing to hide is pretty childish, because this is about monitoring every second of life and frankly, I would NOT want to be a glassy person without any privacy and freedom to make decisions!!! You don't spy on the masses and pretend it's “for their safety”. You don't centralize a digital currency and call it “America First”. And you certainly don't save humanity with poison injections and chips of any kind and type! That's not liberation - it's enslavement. It's the final step in severing humanity's connection to God and free will! If anyone is laying the groundwork for this web of control, they are not “white hats” or “good guys” - they are devious, criminal and diabolical Subjects!!!
Do you remember?
This started already a few years ago and we know how quickly technology develops!!!
Some links may no longer be active (perhaps in the Wayback Machine...), but nobody should be surprised about that at the time!
In addition to the development of smart cards and biometrics, there is another important technology that has arisen which will ultimately be merged with them. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless communication technology that uses microwave or ultra-high frequency (UHF) electromagnetic signals within the radio spectrum to send digitally encoded data between a tag and a reader, which can then be used to identify and track items, animals and humans. An RFID tag can be relatively simple in design, but powerful in its potential applications. The basic elements of a tag are: a microchip containing nonvolatile memory and an antenna to collect and transmit radio waves. The chip contains circuitry that stores a unique binary number in its memory and the antenna serves as the receiver and transmitter of information. The antenna is much larger than the microchip and typically consists of loops or coiled wire extending out from the chip. In a passive or unpowered RFID tag, the wire loops serve two purposes: 1) to transmit information (the stored encoded ID number) and 2) to act as a power source for the microchip using electromagnetic induction, which is caused as the RFID antenna picks up the radio signals emanating from a reader.
When a nearby RFID reader sends out a radio signal that is received by an RF tag, it causes an electromotive force to occur within the wire coil of the RFID antenna. This in turn causes electrons to flow within the wire. This electron flow within the coil is the electrical power source for all passive RF chips to operate. The induction process causes the microchip to be powered up and respond by sending out a radio signal containing the identification code stored within its memory. Thus, when a reader “wakes up” a RFID tag, it receives back a radio transmission containing the tag’s unique ID number, which then can be used to determine exactly what is labeled or associated with the tag.
You can see that very well here in the blood:
and then, of course, there is the elongated mini-RIFID chip:
which can also be clearly seen here(both) in the blood:
…and everyone should assume that these elongated RFID chips are already available in a nano-size, as this “technology” has been and is being further developed from year to year (which of course is not communicated to people)... and NOT necessarily for the health protection of mankind....!
Passive RFID tags typically emit radio waves in the range of 300 MHz to 300 GHz, which is in the microwave to UHF range of the electromagnetic (light) spectrum. Most international standards today use radio waves of less than 1 GHz.
Within this part of the spectrum, the signals can penetrate through most objects and people, and thus the tag and the reader need not be in line of sight to work properly.
Perhaps someone would like a little more information....
And millions who have been injected with these harmful and deadly substances have ultimately no longer really needed a “healthcare provider”, others have needed it all the more intensively and millions of others will still need it.....
I hope and pray that people will never again fall for lies, manipulation and deception, stay away from further harmful to deadly substances, come together, be there for each other and together try to protect themselves as best they can from further attacks - one alone has little chance, but many together are strong and can be insurmountable, let's not forget that!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Lady Anne, you nailed it so accurately l almost cryed (l didn't). Thanks to try to waken the still asleep as to myself l already know where is the hill l shall defend. God bless.
Thank you for utilizing courage exposing this dark agenda for what it is.
May we all find wisdom and strength as immortal human beings to overcome .