I'm a fan of the global research platform. Sometimes people are distracted by imaginary threats and fail to see the real ones in front of their face. Graphene has been used as an adjuvant if I recall. To make a drug more effective like adding sticker to an herbicide. All this is beyond my understanding. I will pay attention to the dialogue but will not go down every rabbit hole out there. I won't be distracted from the in my face lies and propaganda about almost everything. I had enough information years ago to avoid the vaccine like the plague.

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Nice and thorough, but how about graphene hydroxide?

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....if you are not informed enough with this, you have to do a little research on your own :-)



and I think you've already heard Dr. Nock, he also explains the phenomenon of bleeding, etc. - here with subtitle


or here


"Our results are important for identifying the potential adverse effects of nanomaterial and mitigating or preventing such effects in new materials." - well... these spinners with their idiotic germ theory, have had enough guinea pigs in the meantime....

Graphene Oxide Touches Blood: In Vivo Interactions of Bio-Coronated 2D Materials


!!effects like thrombogenicity!! and immune cellactivation> which is nothing else than the attempt to repair the damage caused by this toxic material by emitted imunglobulins, but that does not work anymore if there is too much of it in the organism!!!

Have a nice WE for you and your family dear Ray!!!

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Hi, Proton Magic asked me to ask you if you've cancelled PMs subscription to your site and neither can PM post a comment.

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???? THAT can't be, because I certainly did NOT exclude him or anything else - I am more than surprised to read that now, because I had no knowledge of it!!!! Now I have changed my passwords and I hope that this will not happen again!!! Best regards!!

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Sympathetic to your skepticism, but I suppose it's important to better understand the physics, I don't, but my dad slept under an electric blanket for decades to no ill effect. Likewise, power line workers see, to do OK (unless they fall or electrocute themselves.) 5G and cell phones likewise have been indicted, but not proven dangerous, unless you're looking at the phone while operating machinery. Pilots have been concerned about 5G proximity to navigation facilities, but that's not related to human physiology. 5G legitimate concerns about surveillance and facial recognition, not physiological. X rays are a concern but only in high dosage. To much worthy protest, Malathion was sprayed over populations for insect control. "In 1981, Collins was appointed by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown as Director of the California Conservation Corps. During his California Conservation Corps service, Collins gained notoriety for drinking a beaker of malathion to demonstrate his belief that it was safe."

BT Collins was a Vietnam war vet which literally cost him an arm and a leg.

Plutonium, here's an unforgettable one: The Myth of Plutonium Toxicity Bernard L. Cohen

"Plutonium is constantly referred to by the news media as “the most toxic substance known to man.” Ralph Nader has said that a pound of plutonium could cause 8 billion cancers, and former Senator Ribicoff has said that a single particle of plutonium inhaled into the lung can cause cancer. There is no scientific basis for any of these statements as I have shown in a paper in the refereed scientific journal Health Physics (Vol. 32, pp. 359–379, 1977). Nader asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to evaluate my paper, which they did in considerable depth and detail, but when they gave it a “clean bill of health” he ignored their report. When he accused me of “trying to detoxify plutonium with a pen,” I offered to eat as much plutonium as he would eat of caffeine, which my paper shows is comparably dangerous, or given reasonable TV coverage, to personally inhale 1000 times as much plutonium as he says would be fatal, or in response to former Senator Ribicoff’s statement to inhale 1000 particles of plutonium of any size that can be suspended in air. My offer was made to all major TV networks but there has never been a reply beyond a request for a copy of my paper. Yet the false statements continue in the news media and surely 95% of the public accept them as fact although virtually no one in the radiation health scientific community gives them credence. We have here a complete breakdown in communication between the scientific community and the news media, and an unprecedented display of irresponsibility by the latter. One must also question the ethics of Nader and Ribicoff; I have sent them my papers and written them personal letters, but I have never received a reply."

Always appreciate your investigations and concerns.

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well, I can understand you, but this is about the organism/the cells and their the components/the structure and the mechanism of the tissues of the organism and the cells - from 2021 until now that is e.g. Graphene/Graphene hydrooxide(Hydroxide is a conjugate base of a water/hydroxide consist of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen) and other toxic substances and the physiogenic of the organism in relation to electricity/bioelectricity - bioelectricity, electric potentials and currents produced by or occurring within living organisms. Bioelectric potentials are generated by a variety of biological processes and generally range in strength from one to a few hundred millivolts. In the electric eel e.g., however, currents of one ampere at 600 to 1,000 volts are generated. Bioelectricity refers to the generation or action of electric currents or voltages in biological processes. Bioelectric phenomena include fast signaling in nerves and the triggering of physical processes in muscles or glands. There is some similarity among the nerves, muscles, and glands of all organisms, possibly because fairly efficient electrochemical systems evolved early. Scientific studies tend to focus on the following: nerve or muscle tissue; such organs as the heart, brain, eye, ear, stomach, and certain glands and potentials associated with damaged tissue. Electric activity in living tissue is a cellular phenomenon, dependent on the cell membrane. The membrane acts like a capacitor, storing energy as electrically charged ions on opposite sides of the membrane. The stored energy is available for rapid utilization and stabilizes the membrane system so that it is not activated by small disturbances. Cells capable of electric activity show a resting potential in which their interiors are negative by about 0.1 volt or less compared with the outside of the cell. When the cell is activated, the resting potential may reverse suddenly in sign; as a result, the outside of the cell becomes negative and the inside positive. This condition lasts for a short time, after which the cell returns to its original resting state. This sequence, called depolarization and repolarization, is accompanied by a flow of substantial current through the active cell membrane, so that a “dipole-current source” exists for a short period. Small currents flow from this source through the aqueous medium containing the cell and are detectable at considerable distances from it. These currents, originating in active membrane, are functionally significant very close to their site of origin but must be considered incidental at any distance from it. In addition to the potentials originating in nerve or muscle cells, relatively steady or slowly varying potentials are known. These dc potentials occur in the following cases: in areas where cells have been damaged and where ionized potassium is leaking (as much as 50 millivolts); when one part of the brain is compared with another part (up to one millivolt); when different areas of the skin are compared (up to 10 millivolts); within pockets in active glands, e.g., follicles in the thyroid (as high as 60 millivolts); and in special structures in the inner ear (about 80 millivolts). A small electric shock caused by static electricity during cold, dry weather is a familiar experience. While the sudden muscular reaction it engenders is sometimes unpleasant, it is usually harmless. Even though static potentials of several thousand volts are involved, a current exists for only a brief time and the total charge is very small. A steady current of two milliamperes through the body is barely noticeable. Severe electrical shock can occur above 10 milliamperes, however. Lethal current levels range from 100 to 200 milliamperes. Larger currents, which produce burns and unconsciousness, are not fatal if the victim is given prompt medical care. (Above 200 milliamperes, the heart is clamped during the shock and does not undergo ventricular fibrillation.) Prevention clearly includes avoiding contact with live electric wiring; risk of injury increases considerably if the skin is wet, as the electric resistance of wet skin may be hundreds of times smaller than that of dry skin.... ....the average percentage of water in a person’s body is around 60%, the percentage can vary from roughly 45–75%.

I wish you and your family a nice WE Mr. Close!

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Ps: The problem is that no one from the corporations, companies wants to investigate this really, they even hinder it https://www.globalresearch.ca/four-studies-add-evidence-wireless-technology-related-electromagnetic-radiation-humans/5805214 - and that people get sick from it, is out of the question - the risk is generally high - also not every person is equally susceptible!!! I'm glad your father didn't have any problems with his organs, all the best for him!!!

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