Well.... let's come back one more time to this further criminal lie/MPox....
Let's start here:
I'll come back to this “pox-like” later.
If you now read -Material and Methods-, you can already end up.... because THIS is NOT Isolation, because once again additives have been used, and we already know enough about what this does....
We also know what is meant by “monkey kidney”, “Hela cells” and “human amnion” - these are all chemical solutions, so-called “cell lines” with the associated reagents and instructions....
And here you can read about various buffer solutions(Ref: 5)
If we now read on, we learn that these poor animals were already injected with chemicals when they arrived - and then again later(for 3 days!)... in addition to the stress of the flight, the unfamiliar/strange surroundings, etc. - and -aureomycin- in the food (they write that this only happened with the 2nd group, but I will now show them that this is a lie by returning to “poxy-like”) - further monkey “deliveries” were then made, and it must of course be assumed that these were also maltreated with chemicals and aureomycin….
We now know that these clinical pictures can be caused by many triggers (see also my previous articles on this topic) - and that there is of course NO Virus and NO contagion!!
And now we come to the “study” that is supposedly decisive for the actions of the criminal WHO - of course all with to 100% false PCR tests/so-called primers and computer software/tools....
if you want to see the corresponding supplement material, you can download it here:
You can read what MAFFT is here:
And even before that, they always worked with computer software/tools, as you can read and see here:
and here is another absolute nonsense:😂😂😂
On page 2 of the FDA's so-called “molecular test” you can already read the following:
we also know what “in vitro” means:
and yet this idiot test is used for diagnosis, even though this charade has absolutely nothing to do with reality!!!
The same with the CDC (absolute nonsense!):
If you enter it in BLAST, you must omit the fluorescent agents and the quenchers, e.g. here: FAM-AAG CCG TAA TCT A<BHQ-1dT>GT TGT CTA TCG TGT CC-Spacer C6 - FAM, <BHQ-1dT> and Spacer C6 = AAG CCG TAA TCT AGT TGT CTA TCG TGT CC
etc. - All this nonsense takes place exclusively on the computer = in silico
and none of it has anything to do with reality!!!
And HIV and all that other stuff is the same scam
also here: the so-called “exosomes”:
Note: Each time synthetic-chemical cell lines are used, which can be bought including the reagents, chemical substances and exact instructions provided for this purpose, as well as designed, synthetic-chemically produced so-called oligo-nucleotide primers (this also has to be bought or you can also create it yourself using a computer tool that automatically determines whether this letter group already exists or not) - all THIS has absolutely NOTHING to do with reality - the human cell material that comes from the swabs, is mixed with all this - first either fetal bovine serum or saline solution is added for one or two hours to simulate a so-called mock infection to pretend that something is growing(or the cell line can also experience feigned “growth” as a result), but in this short time only the life of the cells is maintained - then all the chemical substances are added, this interrupts the metabolism of the cells and they die = CPE - the designed, synthetic-chemically produced primers = letter groups,
which can be created billions of times, are stored in the computer, stored as the fictitious virus or bacterium, etc. - and then they are forwarded to the GEN bank and stored - what in God's name is scientific about that?!!!! This mixture is dried, put in paraffin wax and cut into nanometer-thin slices, which are then placed under a microscope - what you see there, nobody can determine - it can be forms and structures of the interaction of different chemical substances, but also the dried cell lines or dead dried human cells themselves, which of course change by all this chemical treatment and by the dehydration, but with 100% certainty they are NOT viruses or anything else!!!
Harold Hillman:
The dehydration of a cell alone causes changes and if this is caused by countless chemical substances including fluorescent agents, then it must be logical for everyone that the metabolism of a cell is interrupted and it dies!!!
the so-called primers, this time given as human
I have entered the first group of letters in BLAST/mouse:
or in rats:
or in so-called “microbes”:
and of course for human:
THIS is all so ridiculous that words simply fail me😂😂😂
And then a substack comes along
and tells people a fairytale story about “virus fortune cookies”(what an absolute NONSENSE!) and of course some people fall for it again - to be honest, I don't have a suitable name for such Subjects - beautifully decorated with colorful pictures, just so that people can be poisoned again and again with toxic-chemical substances - once again: there is NO virus and NO specific so-called immune system and it does NOT need to be triggered, stimulated, etc., because we humans are confronted with countless environmental influences every day throughout our lives, and our organism is designed by nature in such a way that it can absolutely cope with it if we give it the time to do so. It only becomes difficult when people allow toxic substances to be injected directly into their bodies every year, these naturally enter the bloodstream and into the tissue or settle at the organ, inflame it and eventually lead to disease or even cancer and can no longer be detoxified so easily - clinical pictures are the detoxification of the organism and EVERY organ MUST detoxify, otherwise we would be dead within a very short time!!!
Stay strong, confident and protect and respect your body/organism and your life, because each of us has only this one!!!❤️❤️❤️
Well Done🖖