Now, let's remember THIS:
and for general information "Chimeric" means nothing else than fictional, exclusively occurring in the imagination!!!
and for further information: the so-called "HIV", which is cited in the above study, is fictitious - one must ALWAYS read at the !!Methods!!, then everyone knows immediately that this is an absolute fraud, without ifs and buts!!!! - Table 1
in BLAST-Research, as already known
and BLAST is also based exclusively on predefined “letter groups” in the individual types of software!!!
for which the USA has specially created a chemically prepared cell line(cancer cell line!) for it and THAT has absolutely NOTHING to do with reality!!!
here are the real causes:
The Truth About HIV and AIDS:
Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati - Toxicologist & Pathologist - Toxi-Health International, 150 Bloom Dr., Dixon, CA 95620, USA
Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos/Perth Group:
Eleni shows that even after decades, there is not any satisfactory proof of the very existence of HIV, thus discounting entirely that it could be the cause of AIDS. Neither Montagnier or Gallo, or any other scientist since has provided electron microscope images of a truly purified sample of supposed HIV particles with the accepted morphology, size, and minimal cellular contamination.
and the so called "SARS-CoV1" was and is also fictitious - S O F T W A R E!!!
and everybody should ask himself, why in 2006 they already fantasized about a fictitious so-called "SARS-CoV2"!!
Virology is an absolute fraud, and all those who belong to this profession and continue to put mankind into an unfounded fear with their lies, their manipulation and their fraud, in order to help the pharmaceutical industry to harm mankind with toxic substances up to death, are in my opinion highly criminal and despicable!!!!! I am horrified by all of you and each of you should be judicially treated!!!! You all are an absolute shame!!!!😡😡😡 From the doctors and the so-called "experts", who have no idea of science anyway and have totally forgotten their oath, first of all NOT to harm the patient - we don't need to write at all - we know it!!!😡😡😡🤮🤮🤮
Well, here
you can see, that the U. S. has a patent on a chimeric, a fictitious and only existent in thought and on the computer by software tools, so-called "S/spike protein" for fictitious “viruses” and THAT's been for quite some time now, if you read this nonsense - so we know that everything has always been and is a lie, manipulation and deception to administer poisonous substances to humans, and the last three and a half years have been a mass murder/Major crime against humanity where you just can't find words anymore!!! Mass murderers do not have the right to freedom and if the justice system does not act harshly, then we humans must hold these criminals accountable ourselves!!!
And these criminals of course also use a so-called "armored, constant, invented RNA"
if you change the primers on both sides, you can make much nasty frauds with it and these criminals do it again and again, which of course is also an absolute fraud - everything has to do exclusively with chemistry and synthetic and has also nothing to do with reality!!!!
And you should really read THIS in its entirety, because only then can you understand this fraud
and that in it e.g. so-called "swine fever" is also a fraud, as you can see and read here:
or here:
as we know - it is ALWAYS only looking for nucleotide/nucleic acid/Synthetic-designed/not isolated - non-existent sequences from dead cell debris(is also only a hypothesis, which unfortunately has never been proven, since NOBODY can know which actual processes take place in a living organism!) that EVERY human, EVERY animal and EVERY plant has to excrete in order to stay healthy - that's what common sense should tell you! - and it doesn't matter how many of these string together, it still only remains sequences of dead cell debris!!! All this is NONSENSE and when people do not immediately understand what is happening to all of them, then they are helpless at the mercy of further killing!!!