I simply can't find the right words for this, including adjectives!!!!!!
And to pass THAT off as so-called "magnet therapy" is a mockery of all the victims that already exist and will still exist!!!
We remember how these highly toxic "vaccine broths" were passed off as so-called "gene therapy" - one serious crime follows another - everyone should finally realize that humanity is threatened by mass murderers and that 100% of the time!!!
Nobody also wanted to believe THAT and many don't even know about it - please pass THAT on to your fellow human beings in God's name!!!
And if more and more people become ill, it will again be attributed to some fictitious "virus" or "bacteria" etc. in order to harm and kill humanity again and again with toxic poisonous broths!!!!
An absolutely deadly cycle that will not end unless people take matters into their own hands!!!
I would like to add this article here
- so that there can actually be no more misunderstandings about what is being deliberately planned and carried out here - a mass murder/depopulation that is being quietly carried out on humanity without any real military weapons being used - and all future so-called "vaccinations" will contain more and more of these catastrophic and deadly technologies along with other toxic poisonous substances, no one needs to delude themselves that this will not be the case - and THIS due to a highly criminal lie, manipulation and fraud - everyone should immediately erase the WORD "virus" from their memory, because THAT has NEVER existed and will NEVER exist, NO variants, NO so-called mRNA, NOTHING - everyone who calls logical thinking their own knows what will happen when 5G, 6G, 7G is installed worldwide - THAT will then actually trigger the big X-dying - and again: "Inform everyone as many people as possible so that organizing a resistance finally begins worldwide" - it is absolutely vital!!! Protect your innocent children and grandchildren in God's name!!!! I know that this is a shock for everyone, but as I have written before, only those who know the enemy can fight against it and that in an upright position and eye to eye and NEVER bent over or on their knees, because then this important fight is lost from the outset!!!!
REMEMBER: https://drdavidnixon.com//1/en/topic/video-1
Austrian Research Group presents Its findings of undeclared components in these toxic poison substances(2021):
What are quantum dots?
Quantum dots (QDs) are man-made nanoscale crystals that exhibit unique optical and electronic properties, including the ability to transport electrons and emit light of various colors when exposed to UV light. These artificially synthesized semiconductor nanoparticles have a wide range of potential applications, including use in composites, solar cells, fluorescent biological labeling, displays, lighting, and medical imaging.
Vitrobot Mark IV System offers reproducible vitrification of biological samples
And now, hopefully, everyone is also clear why these poison broths need such a high minus temperature for storage!!!
Splitting of conductance resonance through a magnetic quantum dot in graphene
Electronic structure of quantum dots