Wondering? Does anyone know if 'viruses' exist at all, or are the fabrication of a 'fevered mind'?

I thought Dr. KAUFMAN said they've NEVER isolated a complete virus, but partial. I thought they said the fragments could just be proteins fragments.

Anyone know? Can correct?

Polio was a terrible cover up. It's still occurring or has, under 'new' names.

I appreciate your uncovering this Mary-Ann.

My one wish, which I GOT, in university was that I'd be able to read Scientific American and other science. Most know nothing about science, easy to fool. I got my wish, and can follow most articles.

Knowing we can't 'catch' anything from others, is our reaction to those sneezing and coughing indoctrination from childhood?

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also for you - on the contrary, this contribution should be useful for others to understand that there is NO so-called "measles virus" - that all these so-called "sequences" are dead cell debris from the human organism/you see: !!homo sapiens!! and must be excreted annually so that the human being remains healthy - where does it say anything about that here? that there would be this fictitious "virus" - from my side for sure NOT - after all I know after 41 years of professional experience in the field of microorganisms really very well and above all I know that the organism/the whole cells are especially at the change of the season in an extraordinary oxidative/intracellular stress, where just dead material is excreted - and free radicals are NOT fictitious "viruses"! !!

Ps.: the laughing smiley "-:)" you have already seen at the top??

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I love that you put this out there for all to read and absorb.

If people would research and learn how our bodies truly worked, and that we do work in conjunction with nature, the medical cartel and pharmafia would NOT have control over the populace they now enjoy.

And people would be free from the petro chemical drugs that are forced down their throats by their neighborhood drug dealers. I mean their doctors.

Great work Mary-Ann.

Don’t stop.

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Dr Stefan Lanka put an end to the measles virus nonsense. It, like all pathogenic viruses do not exist in the way the medical cartel would like you to believe.

If they’re trying to start it up again, only fools will buy into it.

And from what I’ve seen over the past few years, the world is filled with brainwashed, medical cartel indoctrinated fools.


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Free radicals cause oxidative stress is a phenomenon caused by an imbalance between production and accumulation of oxygen reactive species (ROS) in cells and tissues and the ability of a biological system to detoxify these reactive products. ROS can play, and in fact they do it, several physiological roles (i.e., cell signaling), and they are normally generated as by-products of oxygen metabolism; despite this, environmental stressors (i.e., to much UV, but also too much sunscreen, because almost all contain PEG, which is harmful to cancer, ionizing radiations, pollutants, and heavy metals, but also fear, prolonged stress, all weather conditions to which each person reacts individually, nutrition (too much cold, too hot, unbalanced food, too little liquid intake, which can e.g. lead to death within a very short time in people with dementia, etc.)) and xenobiotics (i.e., antiblastic drugs) contribute to greatly increase ROS production, therefore causing the imbalance that leads to cell and tissue damage (oxidative stress). When ROS production increases, they start showing harmful effects on important cellular structures like proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. A large body of evidences shows that oxidative stress can be responsible, with different degrees of importance, in the onset and/or progression of several diseases (i.e., cancer, diabetes, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases)....

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On the contrary, this contribution should be useful for others to understand that there is NO so-called "measles virus" - that all these so-called "sequences" are dead cell debris from the human organism/homo sapiens and must be excreted annually so that the human being remains healthy - where does it say anything about that here? that there would be this fictitious "virus" - from my side for sure NOT - after all I know after 41 years of professional experience in the field of microorganisms really very well and above all I know that the organism/the whole cells are especially at the change of the season in an extraordinary oxidative/intracellular stress, where just dead material is excreted - and free radicals are NOT fictitious "viruses"! !!

And I appreciate Mr. Dr. Lanka, Dr. Kaufmann, Dr. Cowan, Dr. Bailey both Mark and Sam etc. very much!!!

Ps.: the laughing smiley "-:)" you have already seen at the top??

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