Am I understanding correctly that you say viruses don't exist? Then what's the explanation for the fact that measles, common cold, etc are definitely contagious, passing the illness to other people? I skimmed through your very detailed technical material, and I didn't see an explanation for this. I'm very open to debunkings of mainstream (hence my name), but I don't see good reason to believe claims that viruses don't exist. Thanks.

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Where do you get the nonsense, that a child get infecting at an other with these so-called "measles"???

The first detoxification of the body takes place mostly up to the 14th year of life and if now several children, e.g. ain the school or in kindergarten, get this "rash", then it is nothing special, because the internal defense system, the lymphatic system is still in the process of formation and in some children it starts to work at the same time, in others at a different time - after all, the poison, which is administered to the babies in the form of a so-called "vaccination - MMR", and which damages cells at this very young age, must somehow be transported out of the body again, together with the dead cells(and the waste of dead cells by an increased cell division growth-conditioned in this age, comes there still in addition) https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-5df , which of course, depending on the child, is associated with fever and other clinical pictures and for some babies/children, whose mother already has many poisons in the form of drugs, alcohol, medicines, "vaccinations" etc.=free radicals in her, and of course passes this on to the fetus via the umbilical cord, the detoxification will be far worse! - fever indicates, e.g., that the lymphatic system is at work, to bring the organism back to a state of health, and an increase in white blood cells shows this also!!!

Can no one today actually think logically or at least acquire knowledge about the functions of their own orgnism, without people letting themselves be manipulated every day by lies and deceit?? Bye

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