Here is the German edition of the book:
Well, if you think about what has happened so far and what will happen in the future, you know that everything has simply deteriorated 100% and more - and a large proportion of humanity always still believes in the “system”, in fictitious, non-existent “viruses”, so-called pathogenic “bacteria etc., in the ‘white coats’, in every nonsense that paid lying media spread etc., - and simply does not understand that they all get sick and are made sick by a myriad of other factors……
The disease diagnoses issued by Modern Western Medicine, we must understand so that they are all nothing but one and the same state of self-healing as a result of the fact that the energies and tissues of our being are affected by an accumulation of harmful factors - except for injuries caused by burns (thermal, chemical, electrical), asphyxiation (mechanical, with liquids, with toxic gases), physical trauma and massive poisoning… the harmful factors that constantly besiege our being are:
– negative emotional experiences (fear, sadness, hatred, envy, etc.),
– toxins of all kinds (almost all synthetic chemicals, some minerals, some metals, some biological concentrates, some products resulting from the decomposition of biological matter),
– almost all artificial radiation,
– overstraining the being through physical and intellectual effort and exposure to the elements,
– quantitative undernutrition (lack of food, degradation of tissues involved in digestion and absorption) and qualitative undernutrition (denatured and devitalized foods as a result of their growth in an industrialized regime and over-processing),
– iatrogenics (harmful drugs and toxic vaccines + harmful medical procedures)
All this is apparently not allowed to be told to the people, because otherwise the pharmaceutical lobby would no longer make such large profits - it is much more effective to scare people with non-existent "viruses", and to inject countless poisonous substances into the organism of people every year - simply disgusting, inhumane, unethical and to condemn in the strongest terms!
And if you think about what asbestos has been doing for decades to children and adults for health damage, no one should really wonder why people have massive pathologies!!! - -
and don’t forget Acidosis - due to over acidification of the blood, the body also becomes sick over time and holistically!
And what so-called “vaccinations” = always harmful substances with nanoparticles/technology and various materials and structures/forms that have NEVER had a necessity, trigger everything, should also be clear to everyone by now, I and others have already reported on this more than enough!!!
What it was really about from 2020, and continues to this day and in the future is the digital cage for everyone.... once you're in it, you won't get out so easily.... all of this has been planned and driven forward for decades, with highly criminal lies, wrapped in mendacious and embellishing puns to this day and will continue to do so every day until the transformation is complete, and that in turn means absolute surveillance - depopulation - total enslavement, ever more harmful to deadly substances, nanotechnology will also be increased, all the resources that people need for daily life, will depend on whether each individual is compliant with the government and of course on the toxic chemical substances - and the abolition of cash/CBCD plays an essential role in this - everyone should be aware that the oh-so-great smartphone is the be-all and end-all of this digital cage and is of course also used for this purpose - people have already been made dependent on it, as is the case with drugs. ... everyone wants more and more of it and never thinks about the harmful consequences, both in terms of health and freedom.... Addiction is never a good thing and always leads to dependency and exchanging convenience for freedom of thought and action for each individual is not necessarily desirable....
The newly criminal UN treaty together with the equally highly criminal new WHO treaty and the restrictions of the countries with their infiltrated WEF puppets including the EU will make all this possible - and the majority of humanity still does not know where the “ trip” is going.....⬇️ >
(I received an email today from this truth-loving former colleague saying that she unfortunately has to protect her tweets because some people keep profiting from her research without citing her as a reference - she writes that she has tolerated this for long enough and that it is now over... well, in a way you can understand that, but I think if one or the other wants to read it, a follower request makes it possible...)
And just by the way: Any doctor who still administers these harmfully and lethal injections to people and especially to children is, in my opinion, a pathetic, money-hungry and utterly despicable individual/subject without conscience and should voluntarily remove himself from society!!
Stay strong, self-confident and responsible - and think about what you want to leave to your children and grandchildren❤️❤️❤️
Mmmmm. Money...
Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article):