I would like to reproduce 3 articles here(whether people can and want to understand this is up to them), which apparently can no longer be found in the various browsers/suppressed(but archived)!! - And because I hold Dr. Saeed Qureshi in high esteem!!!
He has a wealth of knowledge and his personality is characterized by integrity and loyalty to himself, but above all by respect for the integrity and dignity of his fellow human beings, which he would never violate!!!!
In my opinion, he could never have imagined what kind of crime is currently happening to global humanity and avoids addressing this horror in concrete terms, which I can absolutely understand, as it is certainly very emotionally stressful for him - he has tried from the very beginning to enlighten and help humanity with his years of knowledge!!!
Sometimes I think to myself that people don’t want to and cannot accept the facts because they would have to admit to themselves, that they were being lied to, manipulated and deceived to the absolute detriment of themselves, their families, their children and grandchildren, their friends, neighbors and colleagues(they deny everything and to dwell in lethargy and are therefore more and more oppressed, monitored, more and more restricted in their rights and freedoms, exploited and the standard of living decreases and falls!) - and therefore they prefer to continue to follow the false prophets.... and we know that there are countless of them, from doctors to so-called experts, scientists, politicians of all stripes, bloggers, etc., etc.(who will never take responsibility for this crime against humanity/war against all, also that's a fact!) - Every lie is believed in order to avoid having to face up to one's own responsibility! People wait and believe in an all-encompassing savior that will never come, forgetting that the power and strength of change, lies in each individual!!!
Gain Of Function Research – As Fake As The Virus!
December 5, 2022 - Dr. Saeed Qureshi, Ph.D.
It is a psychological game to keep discussing an imaginary or fictitious object to indirectly convince or confuse the public that the object is real and exists.
In this respect, the gain of function (GoF) discussions and inquiries are to create a distraction from the reality of the virus’s non-existence and the fraudulent science.
A GoF means modifying the original product or process to improve its functionality. In principle, GoF itself is not a bad or wicked practice.
For example, if one likes to take a photo of a large wall painting when the distance away from the painting is limited. Then one would use a wide-angle lens. The wide-angle lens provides a gain of function for the camera with the standard lens.
Similarly, if the object is far away and appears very small, one uses a telephoto lens to bring the object near to take a reasonable-quality photo. Again, it will be considered as GoF as well.
The important point is that first, one must have a camera with a standard lens; only then improvement to it can be made and measured.
If the product and process have deleterious properties, those properties could also be enhanced under GoF. Therefore, such studies are often conducted as a part of scientific research to learn the mechanisms of processes to control or further exploit the GoF.
In the case of virus research, it is assumed that GoF is about making a virus from dangerous to deadlier. However, it may not necessarily be an accurate assumption.
On the other hand, the questionable aspect of GoF concerning the virus is that it is a lie because no one has the “standard” virus specimen. Therefore, working or conducting research (aka GoF) with viruses is impossible.
Laboratories and experts do not show any tangible product from the research of any “altered” virus. It is hard to believe, but there is no evidence that scientific research on the GoF aspect related to the virus has ever been conducted.
The GoF research appears to be just another catchy phrase like the virus, virus-RNA, spike-protein, variant, isolation, sequencing, etc., without real-world evidence.
One can argue that experts and authorities have thoroughly fooled the public and others and wasted public and private financial resources.
An audit to clarify and settle the GoF debate is urgently needed by an independent (non-medical) third party, preferably science/chemistry-based.
However, as it stands now, the GoF research is as fake as the virus itself!
Virologists’ Misunderstanding About Viruses And Their Isolation
November 29, 2023 - Dr. Saeed Qureshi, Ph.D.
I watched a recent interview (link) of Prof. Syed Sattar (Retired Professor of Virology from the University of OTTAWA, Canada), who is still active in the area. He is a great friend, and I greatly admire his academic credentials and achievements. I have known him personally and professionally, at least for twenty years.
I find the interview informative, describing the fundamental concepts of virology, notably virus isolation. That is, how the virus isolation concepts are illustrated in virology literature, which Prof. Sattar emphasized as well-established practices and routines in virology laboratories.
However, issues and confusion arise when virologists, including Prof. Sattar, describe isolation as “culturing or its part” as a virus. It is essentially their critical misunderstanding, i.e., considering “culture” and the “virus” as the same thing. In reality and scientifically, they have to be and are two separate entities. I often describe the difference between the two as being chicken (“virus”) and “soup,” which may or may not contain the chicken/virus.
To show the presence or existence of a virus, the virus (if there) must be isolated or separated from the culture. The separation of the virus from culture and its content is called the “isolation” step, which has never been done. This is the confusion or misunderstanding virologists and microbiologists have and are unwilling to take the time to consider or evaluate.
They often defend their position by arguing that viruses (particles) are minute in size and number and cannot be seen or isolated (separated) from cells (culture) to observe. Therefore, viruses and culture have to go together and side by side. Hence, it resulted in considering/calling culturing or culture a “virus.”
It is to be noted that there is no objection to the culturing step, which, in reality, is a fermentation step for growing or multiplying the viruses. However, once the viruses are sufficiently multiplied, they MUST be isolated or separated to evaluate their identity and characteristics, such as structure, RNA/DNA proteins, etc. This step is missing.
So, effectively, virologists work with cultures but make claims about them as “viruses.” It is like working with debris from a forest but selling it as novel and rare wood dust particles.
Seeing the photographs with low or high-resolution microscopes does not establish the presence of something, just like seeing small yellow particles would not confirm the presence of gold in the sample. The particles must be isolated/separated to characterize them.
It is an invalid argument that viruses are small (in size and number), so they cannot be seen without culturing or separating from cells. Smaller items like carbon, hydrogen atoms, and molecules are commonly available in isolated and purified forms with full characterization or certifications.
If the claim is that there are viruses, then these entities, considered particles, must be available in, isolated, purified, and fully characterized. Nothing of this nature is available, including for the coronaviruses. Calling or considering cultures/isolates as viruses is an incorrect understanding that needs to be abandoned.
Links to some articles for further information on the topic:
Buyer Beware! (link)
Centrifugation Does Not Isolate (link)
COVID Virus: Isolate, isolated, and isolation – a picture is worth a thousand words (link)
Gain Of Function Research – As Fake As The Virus! (link)
My training and expertise – people ask! (link)
For more (link)
Why Are Vaccinations Through Mandates And With Iron-Clad Immunities?
December 5, 2023 - Dr. Saeed Qureshi, Ph.D.
It is important to note that physicians are taught and trained to write prescriptions for well-established pharmaceuticals (aka potent chemicals and mostly physiologically irrelevant) – no more, no less.
For this purpose, they must memorize some physiology, biology, and chemistry words during the training/education.
Furthermore, they do not study or get training to invent or identify new diseases or develop new treatments (pharmaceuticals/chemicals) – scientifically.
It is unclear how they consider and promote themselves to be scientists and practitioners of science. It is hard to find the basis for their claims. There is practically none. Wrong? Prove it!
Using the vocabulary from the subjects mentioned above, without relevant laboratory work and with the help of computer drawing software, they declared the existence of the viruses, their RNAs, and spike proteins. It is purely a fictional story without any scientific evidence. No physical specimens of these things are available anywhere. Everything is illusionary or mythical. Wrong? Prove it!
On top of that, mysterious vaccines have been developed for the imaginary virus or illness. Sketchy details describing the vial’s content have been provided. There is a strong possibility that these vials may contain some unknown content, potentially harmful (microbial) gunk, without usual and standard scientific characterization. Wrong? Prove it!
Every claim is based on peer/buddy-reviewed articles/”research” from journals labeled “scientific” without accreditation by any independent third party, but primarily by self or news media-proclaimed experts.
In short, the claims about the virus, RNA, spike protein, vaccines, and so-called medical science, in general, are textbook cases of quackery and science fraud. Wrong? Prove it!
It should not, then, be surprising to note that medical/pharmaceutical experts sell/promote vaccines through authorities’ sponsorship and mandates and with the highest levels of immunity. It indicates that they may be aware of the uselessness and harmfulness of the products; otherwise, they would sell directly to consumers/patients like other safe and effective products. Use caution in accepting these experts’ claims. In most cases, they are factually false or not science-based.
The above views are based on my working experience (30 years) as a research scientist at Health Canada for the assessment and evaluation of pharmaceutical products. Further information about related work may be found here: Helpful Notes and the Book by (Dr. Qureshi, co-author), who has extensive experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing, among other specialties.
❤️❤️❤️With my thoughts and my heart always with you all!!❤️❤️❤️