THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS ON THE OTHER SIDE - Yeah, well.... we know that now, okay?!!!!
I don't know, if the people have already seen this from the EU
And to this one finds simply no more words - fraud where one looks!!!
Here you can see, how these clowns unmask themselves, because the fact is that from the very beginning of these fictitious "viruses" and also during the study one was told again and again that these so-called "viruses" are not living organisms - well, what has never lived can also have NO nucleotides - THAT is a fact - ergo, since ever only nucleotide sequences of human, dead cell debris have been searched for but NO viruses!!!!
And besides, absolutely nothing in so-called biology has been proven, not even so-called “nucleotides”, because everything takes place in fraudulent experiments in vitro and is represented with groups of letters in a software in silico, which has absolutely nothing to do with reality!!!
and that is exactly the fraud what is done all the time, as you can all see e.g. here:
In BLAST, enter each group of letters at Enter Query Sequence in the upper left, scroll down, click on the blue box on the left and wait for the result
and with the last lie-"virus" was also searched from 5' to 3' with idiot primer in an idiot test, just as it is always done - and THAT is clearly FRAUD!!!!
….and if the EU writes of human rights, justice and solidarity and THAT at a so-called "pandemic" brought about every time by fraudulent tests to continue to administer toxic substances to people, then THAT is a serious crime that you simply can not describe with words!!!!
Should one perhaps also once carefully read through - the New WHO Treaty:
....well, I really hope for everyone's sake, that he/she has the strength and fortitude to stand together against this war against humanity - war always requires special measures, but first of all the people must the naive belief in the benevolence of their own government should be discarded as soon as possible, because they are all together with the lying media, the paid stooges, like doctors e.g. Dr. McCollough , the so-called "scientists" and "experts", blogger etc. to capable of evil - and THAT for decades with their poisonous substances, in where these Subjects naturally earn and also make profits!!!!!