Massive depopulation, meaning, worldwide genocide, never seen before in human history – currently ongoing – it is Number One of the REAL 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), i.e. UN Agenda 2030. What the 17 SDGs say on the surface is but a smoke screen. The real meaning is reflected in this depiction – from
What is the 2030 Agenda?
The 2030 Agenda is a political, economic and social control plan to which UN member countries and organizations of all kinds have adhered . Its ultimate goal is to establish the New World Order , establishing a supranational global government, controlled by an elite, in which the freedom, security and rights of people will be subject to the needs and whims of those in power.
The 2030 Agenda was adopted at the UN General Assembly in September 2015, under the resolution “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” . It is a 15-year progressive plan in which to deconstruct all the current political, economic and social structures and transform them into a weapon of control and subjugation of people throughout the world, and especially in the West.
What are the objectives of the 2030 Agenda?
What hides the 2030 Agenda?
What is the background of the 2030 Agenda?
How will they implement it in society?
Various psychological mechanisms and communication resources will be used.
They will play with the naivety of those gullible who think about the benefits of the UN and other organizations and companies to build a better world, in peace and harmony with nature. These people will accept a life of material and energy poverty, sacrificing their social welfare in the name of a false ideal, which will never come.
When the appeal to naivety does not have the desired effect, then fear will come into play . Fear of an invisible enemy that threatens the life, safety and survival of people on Earth. That enemy will change its name according to the interest of each moment: sometimes it will be called climate change , other times an economic recession , in others it will be a threat of world war , an extraterrestrial attack , the dangers of artificial intelligence or an uncontrolled “pandemic” - and we know by now that this so-called "pandemic" was all an impertinent and highly criminal lie and fraud!!!!
That fear will lead people to give away their freedom, to denounce and persecute those who do not cooperate with the plan, and to irrationally obey any rule, however absurd it may be. We have already experienced this and we will experience it again in a different way with the next global crisis that they cause.
This social persecution will be sponsored by governments and their related structures (ministries, commissions, institutes, observatories,...) duly subsidized. It will count on the servility of the media and the cooperation of companies, organizations and institutions that will disseminate the 2030 Agenda in exchange for contracts and subsidies. They will force workers to train in gender equality, to assume quotas and to comply with absurd obligations in the name of sustainability.
For the change to be irreversible, the 2030 Agenda will be imposed from schools in a transversal way in all subjects, to configure the minds of children so that they do not distinguish between knowledge and ideology, between truth and story, between facts and opinions, between reality and conscience, to make them emotionally dependent and confuse them about their own identity and sexuality.
Religious institutions will also be accomplices , which will renounce their principles and beliefs to adapt to the new times, dragging their parishioners towards globalist approaches with blind faith and adhering to the new climate religion.
If you want to know more in detail what the 2030 Agenda hides behind each of its objectives, click on each of the following boxes.
Highly recommended and a very well researched work⬆️ - take the time to read it, also the links provided, then take a deep breath and start to fight for your life and that of your family, because there is only the ONE!!!!